Plum wine at home - a simple recipe

Among other things, plum wine is easy to prepare at home, which is especially appealing to beginners, just trying their hand at preparing home alcohol. The simplicity of the technology is determined by the high sugar content of the fruit itself, which is why fermentation is much more intensive.

Below we will share simple recipes of plum wine at home.

Recipe for plum wine at home

The basic recipe for plum wine includes three simple ingredients: plums, some water and sugar. The amount of the latter can be adjusted to taste in the cooking process, based on what kind of wine you prefer.



Before making plum wine at home, plums are collected and left to dry slightly under direct sunlight. A couple of days in the sun enough to make the surface of the fruit covered with wild yeast, performing fermentation. Please note that before drying the plums are not washed, but only when necessary to wipe with a dry cloth.

After a slight withering, the plums are separated from the bones, they are scraped and poured with water. The resulting juice is covered with gauze and left in a warm for a couple of days. You have a must that needs to be fermented. Stir the must with a stick once every 10-12 hours. After the allotted time, the wort surface becomes bubbly, all the mash will come up - fermentation has begun. Plum wine is passed through a fine sieve and mixed with sugar (from 100 grams per liter or to taste). The first 50% of sugar is poured immediately, dissolved and the future wine is poured into the fermentation tank. The container is placed under the water seal and left in the warmth. The remaining 50% of the sugar is divided in half and poured with an interval of 5 days.

After the fermentation, the home plum wine is left to ripen within six months. Every month, it is removed from the sediment to lighten, and then bottled.

Wine from plum compote

The base for delicious plum wine can also be the remains of compote. The course can go both fresh and fermented drink. When using fresh compote to it, you need to add a handful of unwashed raisins, which will become the initiator of fermentation. Compote with raisins are left in the warmth for 2-3 days, and then proceed to cooking according to the technology described below.



The fermented compote is mixed with sugar in a clean glass vessel, filling it with 2/3. The resulting mixture is left under the water seal until the fermentation is complete, then it is filtered and bottled. Ripening of plum wine takes about 4 months in coolness.

Plum wine from jam - recipe

For house wine you can use old or fermented jam . Note that jam with mold for wine is not suitable, it is better to just throw it away.



Old jam and warm water are combined in a clean glass container and left under a water seal until the fermentation is complete. If the sweets in the drink is not enough, then pour the sugar. Add sugar better in portions, the first half before setting the shutter, and the rest to break into quarters and mix in the fermentation process.

Ready-made wine from plum jam should be drained from the sediment, sweetened or vodka if desired, and then left to ripen in the bottled bottles in the cool for six months.