Small bedroom

If a small room is allocated in an apartment or a house under a bedroom, you still need to turn it into a modern small bedroom, cozy and stylish. Many different design techniques and creative ideas used for small bedrooms will help make it a comfortable and beautiful room.

Furniture for a small bedroom

It is very important not to overload the small bedroom with extra furniture. It is not always a bedroom set complete with, more often - separate items from it, being the most necessary. Furniture for a small bedroom should be fairly compact. Visually make the room roomier than low furniture, perhaps without legs. A built-in wardrobe with a mirror facade is also an optimal solution for a small bedroom. But you can also refuse mirrors in the closet, and hang a large mirror on the wall, preferably in front of the window, this visually increases the size of the room. To the room does not look boring, you can make it a few open shelves or a rack, placing them on bright, beautiful trinkets.

It is very important for a small bedroom, it is right to choose and conveniently to install a bed . Place it in such a way that it allows free movement, while there is a little free space around it. Sometimes, the only acceptable option is to put the bed near the wall, by the window.

Bedroom design

When choosing wallpaper for a small bedroom, it should be borne in mind that dark colors will make it visually even smaller, so you need to choose light colors. For small bedrooms whose windows face north, you need to choose wallpaper warm colors, for those going to the south - cold.

If you still want to use a dark color in the interior of a small bedroom, it is better to apply it on one of the walls. Also, having chosen one wall, you can paste wallpapers in the small bedroom, the main thing is to harmoniously choose a pattern, combined with the finishing of the rest of the walls.

The ceiling in a small bedroom is better to make a classic white color, but at the same time to place on it spot lights, but also more modern decoration, for example, glossy stretch ceiling.

The final touch in the interior of a small bedroom is the selection of curtains. In a small room, natural fabrics are best, light and transparent, with a small pattern, preferably in color - brighter than the walls. Fabrics should not be much, but the curtains should be from the wall to the wall.