Chairs under the antiquity

Creating the interior of the room in one common style, designers often face the fact that you need to use furniture that will not give out the shine of new materials. On the contrary, it should seem antique, almost antiquarian. Chairs made of old wood - that's what this or that interior can lack for completeness.

Chairs under the antiquity of the array

Most often, wooden chairs undergo processing under the old days. Such furniture options are used to create an interior in a rustic style, chalet style or Russian folk manor. In this case, all the efforts of the decorator are directed to the manifestation of the structure of the wood. Most often used pine, because it has a very interesting internal structure, which only appears brighter with time, but can be used and an array of oak. In order for a tree to acquire a vintage appearance, it must undergo several successive aging stages: first the master processes it, revealing all the beauty of the tree structure, then dries some time and only then the blank is covered with a special varnish. Interesting look modern models of chairs, processed in a similar way, for example, bar stools for antiquity.

How to paint a chair under the old days?

You can make furniture look old in the home. For example, when decorating a room in the style of a shebbie-chic, the chairs are intentionally vintage. To do this, you selected the furniture you first need to paint in suitable colors (usually used white, cream, pale blue and pink shades). After the paint dries on a chair you need to put pictures in the technique of decoupage: they can be of different themes and cover both the entire chair and only its individual parts. Then the special details are highlighted with a special gold paint. Well, after that, a special varnish-craquelure is applied on the chair, which will create small cracks on the paint surface and your chair will look like a real antique thing.