
Practicality is good quality. As a rule, a person has a high speed of solving various problems, is focused on external reality. Imagination works in a certain given way, but it is not inherent in dreaminess, but realism.

Practicality is always based on experience, it serves as a beneficial "soil" for creating a career. She needs strong will and diligence. Practicality is facilitated by an inquisitive, clear, flexible and sharp mind. And without confidence and creativity, it is inadequate. She is also a guarantor of material welfare even with small incomes. Those who are constantly guarded have difficulties in "cultivating" this surprising quality in themselves. First of all, this should be learned from nature. That's what practicality means.

Among the synonyms can be identified: earthiness, productivity, efficiency, utility, convenience. The first three are applicable to people, the latter two are relevant in describing the qualitative assessment of things and objects.

People about people

The presence of practicality characterizes its owner as a serious, sensible and far-sighted person. Practical people never buy unnecessary things, do not waste money. They are very economical and prudent, although some may call it stinginess and greed. Reliable, thinking head, not heart, they are characterized by rationality in everything. Reality they perceive the way it is, soberly assess the situation and make deliberate decisions. Riskiness and adventurism is extremely rare.

A practical person is a person who knows how to use all possible tools and methods competently to achieve goals. He organizes his actions in such a way as to make them as quickly and efficiently as possible. Develop this quality in yourself, because even in sorrow such people find profit.

If you treat the concept of malice as cunning and self-interest, then to some extent it is typical of practical people. Showing prudence, pursuing only their personal goals, using other people, a person realizes both of these qualities. However, in most cases, malice means mockery, mockery, wicked wit. Such a person aspires to annoy others, "offend" and simply offend. In this vein, this concept is difficult to reconcile with the concept of practicality.