What does "tolerant person" mean?

How often do you face the benevolent attitude of others? A tolerant person is always a pleasure to deal with; moreover, before such a person wants to "take off his hat" for the fact that she by her behavior and says: "I appreciate your opinion and respect for the freedom of thought, and, therefore, motivate you to active life position ".

Formation of tolerant consciousness

If we talk about the origins of the emergence of tolerant attitudes in Western Europe, the basis for this was religious education, influence, namely the signing of the Edict of Nantes. Thanks to this law, Catholics and Protestants became equal in rights, both in matters of admission to educational institutions and in obtaining medical care.

If we consider the origin of tolerant behavior on the example of one person, then the first ideas about good and bad, moral concepts in general are formed even in the preschool age. Proceeding from this, after years, in the adult individual it is rather difficult to change any life attitudes and ideas.

Signs of a tolerant personality

  1. Self-awareness, understanding of motivation of one's own actions. Such individuals tend to analyze their strengths and weaknesses. When there are troubles, they do not care about accusations in such others. They tend to treat themselves with excessive criticality. It is worth noting that within each person there are "I-ideal" (the way you wanted to be) and "I-real" (you are at the moment). So, for a tolerant person between these two concepts there is a huge difference, which means that they, often, do not coincide.
  2. Such personalities inherent in a sense of security, security. They do not seek to close from society, to flee from it.
  3. As for responsibility, tolerant people do not shift it to others.
  4. They tend to perceive the world around them in a wide range of colors, not dividing people into good and bad.
  5. Personal independence, orientation, first of all, to yourself, both in reflections and in work.
  6. A tolerant person is able to feel the spiritual state of another. It is not alien to such a thing as empathy .
  7. Make fun of yourself? Easily. He will find a flaw in himself and necessarily laugh at him, assuring himself that he will certainly find a way to get rid of this flaw.