Liquid chair near the cat

Unfortunately, cats, like other animals, from time to time suffer from intestinal disorders. In the most severe case in a cat, a frequent loose stool is accompanied by secretions of pus with impurities of blood. The reasons can be a lot, from a strong overeating to an acute infection. As a result, the colon becomes overcrowded, and poorly digested food moves heavily into the sections of the thick and then rectum.

Why does a cat have a loose stool?

Let's list the main possible causes of intestinal disorder:

  1. Eating of sick rodents.
  2. Carrion.
  3. Poor quality and spoiled food .
  4. Dead birds.
  5. Fat food and vegetable oil.
  6. Eating spices.
  7. The ingestion of paper, plastic, pieces of rags, and other various indigestible objects.
  8. Toxic substances and poisons.

Sometimes diarrhea appears in a seemingly normal situation. Food that is normal to a person or other animal is very disturbing to a fluffy pet. Problems with stool in a cat can be associated with intolerance of its body of a certain type of food. Even common chicken, corn, soy, horse meat, albeit rarely, but some cats provoke diarrhea.

The mental state of the animal often causes intestinal disorders. Living things can all be subject to stress. At a cat the liquid chair sometimes appears in a status of a strong fright, after unexpected crossing, sharp change of a ration, such reasons also it is not necessary to dump from the account.

Treatment of diarrhea in a cat

At home, treat short intestinal disorders, not associated with bloody discharge and a large loss of fluid from the body. Kids exclude food for 12 hours, adults - for a day. Water is given in limited quantities. When the liquid stool of the cat stops, the treatment will be a strict diet. Suitable chicken, boiled rice, egg white, special food.

The "initiator" of a new diarrhea often becomes eating a lot of carbohydrates. At first, give half the food than usual. Usually, over time, the liquid stool in the cat stops, and his body comes back to normal.