Games for the development of the brain

For the full development, formation, and human existence, the development of the abilities of the brain plays a primary role, since the mental processes that arise in the subcortex are directly related to all life processes of the person from the moment of birth. This article will tell you about simple and effective exercises of a game character that contribute to the development of our brain.

Releasing the mind

To begin with, you need to get rid of extraneous thoughts and produce a kind of cleaning. For this, you can use meditation techniques and visualization .

For example, such a simple exercise:

Imagine that your brain is a cloudy sky, where clouds are thoughts. Then imagine the wind that drives the clouds until the sky is completely clear and a clear and clear blue space remains.

Right or left?

Before performing the exercises, it will not be superfluous to determine which hemisphere you have developed better. This can be done with the help of two mini-tests, which we have chosen for these purposes.

Test number 1

Place your crossed arms on your chest and see which hand is on top. If the left - developed the right hemisphere, the right - developed left.

Test # 2

Whom do you see in the picture? If the girl - developed the right hemisphere, if the old woman - left.

Exercises for brain development

The development of the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for intuition, musicality, processing of information obtained in a non-verbal way, imagination, imagination, emotions, sensuality and much more is an important moment for the full and harmonious development of man in general. That's why we offer games that help to develop simultaneously two hemispheres:

  1. "Ear-nose . " With your right hand, take hold of the tip of your nose, and your left ear behind your right ear. On cotton quickly change the position of the hands - left take the tip of the nose, and the right behind the left ear. Repeat the exercise until you finish it until automatism.
  2. "Drawing" . Take in each hand a pencil and draw at the same time, for example, the right hand square, and the left circle. Each time, change the shape at your own discretion.
  3. Encrypted text . Read the text:
  4. "94НН03 С006Щ3НN3 П0К4ЗЫ8437, К4КN3 У9N8N73ЛЬНЫ3 83ЩN М0Ж37 93Л47Ь Н4Ш Р4ЗУМ! 8П3Ч47ЛЯЮЩН3 83ЩN! CH4H4L4 E70 6ND0 7RU9H0, H0 S3YCH4S H4 E70Y S7R0K3 84H P4ZUM CHN7437 E70 4870M47NCH3SCN, H3 Z49UMY84YA 06 E70M. T0P9NCb. LINE 0PR393L3NY3 LYU9N M0GU7 PRONG747 E70. "

    The answer can be found at the end of the article.

  5. "Game of color" . Try to quickly and without hesitation call the colors with which the words are written:

Classic methods of brain development include chess, checkers, various puzzles, rebuses and charades, Rubik's cube, crossword puzzles, sudoku, etc.

Books for brain development

It is known that reading maximizes the abilities of our brain, such as imagination, memory, attention , etc. We offer you a list of books that are aimed at developing and improving existing indicators:

  1. R. Green "The Power of the Brain: Super Brain Training for 4 Weeks".
  2. D Gamon "Make your brain work at 100%".
  3. to. Larosn "Science of development of consciousness and brain".
  4. A. Moguchiy "Super I training and memory to live for 100 years. A book-trainer for your brain. "
  5. The school of Evard de Bono "Brain training for generating golden ideas".
  6. S. Rojder "Brain development: How to read faster, remember more and achieve goals."

Response to exercise number 3:

"This message shows what amazing things our mind can do! Impressive things! At first it was difficult, but now on this line your mind reads it automatically without thinking about it. Be proud, only certain people can read it. "