What is useful for wheat porridge?

Wheat groats are produced by grinding from whole grains of wheat. Due to the practically identical size of the grains obtained, the porridge prepared from this cereal is well boiled and has a pleasant, homogeneous consistency. Buying wheat groats, will save, thanks to its low price, not only at breakfast, because from it you can cook a lot of casseroles and puddings.

Answering the question, is the wheat porridge useful, say, certainly - yes. Like all members of the cereal family, cereal from wheat is a real find for people who care about their health.

Wheat porridge and its useful properties

This product contains a large amount of potassium, positively affecting the heart and blood vessels, the brain, metabolic processes, endurance and stress resistance of the body.

Calcium, being the main building material of bone tissue, strengthens bones and teeth, improves brain efficiency and is vitally important for children and the elderly.

Also, wheat porridge is rich in phosphorus, which positively affects the metabolism and nervous system of the body. When this important trace element is deficient, headache and depression are often present.

Vitamin A, which is rich in wheat contributes to the normalization of cellular metabolism, has a good effect on vision, skin and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Wheat porridge is also useful in the content of vitamin C, which it has more than many other popular cereals.

However, the useful properties of wheat porridge for the body are not limited to this. The high content of fiber in wheat grains contributes to the active excretion of toxins and wastes, normalizes the work of the intestines and other digestive organs, which improves overall well-being.

Recently, high cholesterol levels are found in relatively young people, and this threatens the formation of thrombi and the risk of "grabbing" a heart attack or stroke. Wheat actively reduces the level of free cholesterol, thereby protecting the body from the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Wheat cereals are a fairly high-calorie product. People who watch their weight, it is recommended to cook wheat porridge on the water, because for the figure it is much more useful than porridge, cooked on milk.