Prostokvasha - good and bad

"Drink with a porridge curdled - do not spoil you porridge!"

This childish, at first glance stupid poem, probably each of us remembers from childhood. But he's not as stupid as he seems. In the children's presentation, one of the most important properties of this miracle product is transmitted: its universality and easy digestibility, in fact, what is useful for curdled milk.

Prostokvasha - useful properties

Before delving into the question of the benefits and harm of curdled milk, we will deal with the very nature of the product. The raw material for the manufacture of yogurt is pasteurized milk, which is processed by pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria, from which it is fermented, and the output is a lactic acid product.

Apparently, we are dealing with the oldest product of cooking, whose useful properties and ease of manufacture allowed him not only not to get lost in history, but to reach our days practically unchanged.

What is the use and harm of curdled milk?

Prostokvasha is an absolutely unique source of vitamins and amino acids that are irreplaceable for humans. Stimulates the work of the intestines, promotes the secretion of gastric juice, is well absorbed by virtually any organism - in just an hour, complete assimilation takes place.

Starting a day with a glass of curdled milk should be the strict rule of any healthy person, and, practically, at any age, and regardless of whether you stick to a diet for yogurt, or simply introduce the product into your diet. But! It is a healthy person! Sour curdled milk is undesirable to drink to people with acute pancreatitis, cholelithiasis and hepatitis.

Also, the harm of curdled milk can occur with erosive gastritis, gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer. Especially harmful in this case is not fresh, aged yogurt.

Therefore, in case you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, consultation of an experienced nutritionist is absolutely necessary.

Separately, it should be noted that yogurt is an excellent dietary product that promotes weight loss, a means to combat overeating , and a wonderful natural stimulant of the intestine. Well, in the fight against "yesterday's drinking" - yogurt, perhaps, there are no equal!

It should be noted, as for very fashionable diets now, before you decide to start losing weight on yogurt, try to make the yogurt really natural from a proven rural farm, and not from a store where you can write anything on the label!