Pruning of apricot in spring

This procedure ensures a good ventilation of the crown during the ripening period and allows the sun's rays to evenly heat them. If the sun illuminates only the outer part of the crown, the branches gradually begin to dry out, and the fruit buds weaken. Therefore, all summer residents are advised to cut off apricot , as this is a pledge to prevent the entry of pathogenic bacteria and fungus into the interior of the crown.

Pruning of an apricot - an adult tree

Any gardener will tell you that in the course of time fruiting remains only on the outside branches and there is practically no ovary inside the crown. Gradually falls and the level of yield, because there comes a need for rejuvenation of the tree. The fact is that the main part of the crop is concentrated precisely on strong young shoots.

Pruning old apricots should be done in early spring. If it has skeletal branches that have not fruited for a long time, they should also be cut. At the same time, all wounds are cleaned with a clean and sharp garden knife, then they are treated with a garden wax.

Cut must be done only in the side branching area, because a strengthened inflow of juice with nutrients will help awaken the sleeping buds. Such procedures allow already this year to get young shoots, and the wounds until the end of the season will be fully delayed. These shoots then form into the crown and cut even thick branches. This procedure is called pruning for perennial wood. As a result of this pruning of apricots, the adult tree will have skeletal branches with lateral shoots, the buds will wake up and you will receive a renewed crown and excellent fruiting.

It is important to take into account the fact that too much pruning can be detrimental to the plant. The tree can simply dry up. The situation is quite different with young seedlings, for which shortening a branch by a third is only beneficial. Another important point: apart from the proper pruning of the apricot in spring, you should also pinch the young shoots at the very beginning of summer, then the flowering next season will move closer to the warm time and the spring frost will not be afraid of the tree.

Pruning of a young apricot

If the adult plants have to periodically rejuvenate, then with the young trees there can be an ambiguous situation. Not all novice gardeners know whether it is possible to trim apricot, which only last year was planted. In fact, such a pruning is not just allowed, it is necessary for the formation of the tree crown. Consider a few basic tips on how to crop a young spring apricot.

  1. Pruning of apricot in spring begins with the choice of shape. The best is a non-tiered or improved-tiered. In the first case, several branches are located at a distance of not more than 40 cm one from the other. The second form assumes no more than two branches at a distance of 10-20 cm on the first tier.
  2. The annual tree should be cut at a height of about a meter. Choose two branches that are directed along the row, and cut them exactly twice. The remaining branches should be cut to the point, where the annular influx begins (approximately at the base of the trunk).
  3. If you have a variety with abundant branching, annual branches shorten after their length exceeds 60 cm. Cut exactly half the length. Branches, the length of which is within 40-60 cm, is shortened by a third. All the rest do not touch and leave for free growth. The central conductor directly above the last branch should be cut off.
  4. After the branches of the apricot began to bear fruit, it is not necessary to cut it off. It is enough simply to thin the crown and remove all dry or diseased branches.