Room Lemon

For successful fetal growth, it is important to choose the right variety, find a balance of temperature, humidity and watering - and everything will turn out exactly. Not for nothing because the cultivation of indoor lemons sooner or later becomes the hobby of many florists.

Sorts of indoor lemons

First, pick up the grade of the lemon itself. If you want a compact tree with a lot of fruits, choose lemon Meyer . A very strong flavor will be spread around the house, if you grow lemon in it Novogruzinsky. A tall Lisbon tree will grow well in areas with a hot climate. All varieties according to the description will bear fruit. But in fact to achieve fruiting, or rather the maturing of the fetus itself, is the very difficulty in growing.

Care for a room lemon

Almost all types of indoor lemon need about the same conditions of detention. If you observe them as hard as possible, the plant will please you with flowering and fruit bearing. So, consider the rules of care in order:

  1. To achieve flowering, it is important to provide the plant with a temperature of 15-18 ° C. In such conditions budding is most successful. It is very important to remember the basic rule for this plant: it does not tolerate abrupt temperature changes, it will necessarily discard leaves or fall fruit.
  2. In the care of a room lemon, you can never use water from a tap, only a permanent one, where chlorine has disappeared. In a warm period, the lemon will be grateful for frequent un-watering about a day later. With a cooling we pass to a more moderate regime, not more than a couple of times in Week.
  3. If the main goal of growing a room lemon is to obtain fruits, you will have to regularly fertilize. In the beginning of summer it is liquid top dressing for lemons. The older your plant is, the more nutrition it requires.
  4. Diseases of indoor lemon are most often the result of improper irrigation or location. A lack of phosphorus will lead to dry tips and dull greenery. The fallen ovaries are the result of a shortage of manganese, and the lack of iron will prove to be a contrast sheet with veins. Often, all the diseases of a room's lemon immediately go through the correction of errors.