How to get rid of snakes in the suburban area?

On the outskirts of the city and in the suburban areas, the invasion of snakes can become a real calamity. Most often for the first time you can meet with them in the early spring, when these reptiles, waking up from the hibernation, are going to make egg laying and look for a suitable place for the nest. Let's find out how to get rid of snakes forever on your dacha site, because they pose a serious threat to human life.

Are all the snakes dangerous?

In our latitudes on private plots, four types of creeping reptiles - copper coins, stags, snakes and vipers - are often found. Only the bite of the latter causes a person to lose the central nervous system and even death. The other three species are quite harmless, but they can also bite. Although their saliva does not contain any poison, an infection can get through the wound, which means that it is also necessary to deal with such uninvited guests.

How to scare off snakes from the site?

The fight against snakes in the suburban area can be both aggressive and sparing. The latter option is suitable for lovers of wildlife, who do not want to exterminate its representatives, but only, to drive them away from their garden, having got rid of the unpleasant neighborhood.

An effective means of combating snakes in the suburban area is, above all, noise. Yes, yes, it is the violation of silence that is very unpleasant to creeping creeps. In places where all sorts of ratchets are located, snakes can not safely grow their offspring, and leave in search of quieter places.

An excellent alternative to the ratchets will be a lawn mower, which in this case has a double action - mowing the grass, thereby ennobling the site and loud noise, than frightening snakes. It is noticed that they like to live in dense thickets, which means that if you regularly carry out sanitary work on the extermination of the grass, the snakes will go looking for a more cozy place.

Alternative methods of combating snakes

If you have not decided yet how to drive snakes from a summer cottage site, you can try to do it with the help of other animals, namely hedgehogs, cats and dogs. Cats love to hunt for everything that creeps in the grass, but the snakes do not suffer from bites, and this is their natural quality can be actively used to fight.

For dog lovers, you can advise the breed of yagd terrier, which simply does not like the souls in snakes and will willingly fight them. But you should know that you will have to carefully monitor his upbringing, as this breed is very aggressive towards strangers.

If you lure a piece of hedgehog on a piece of hedgehog with a saucer with milk, then they too will come to the rescue in the fight against snakes, but remember that snakes do not mind drinking milk. There is also a long-standing way to set hedgehogs against their enemies, he is called the "Hungarian method" or "drunk hedgehog". In the bowl, instead of milk, they pour wine or beer and, as the hedgehog rests on the hot drink, he himself goes in search of the snake and its nests.

But the recommended "fragrant" methods, such as unfolding rags soaked in solidol or planting garlic in large quantities, often do not work. Maybe, modern snakes just got used to all kinds of pollution and foreign impurities in the air and no longer pay attention to them.

Chemical from snakes on the site

For those who do not want to reinvent the wheel and wait a long time for the result from folk ways, you can recommend immediately to contact the help of toxic poisonous substances. They are sold in any horticultural store. But, you should know that the use of saltpeter, herbicides and other chemicals in the garden, which is actively used for spraying garden plants and fertilizing the land, will play into the hands and in business with snakes, so you do not have to buy any special means.