The shocking truth about the HPV vaccine: facts about which physicians reluctantly relate

The vaccine against cervical cancer does not work or the "dark side" of the HPV vaccine.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the world has witnessed an active increase in the number of people infected with HPV infection: every year 3-4 million new people with human papillomavirus are added to the already existing patients. Thanks to the media, most of humanity is already aware of how you can get HPV: you need to get the right amount of the virus into the body of a healthy "victim" along with blood, sperm, lubricant, mother's milk, particles of epidermis from someone else's razor or clothes.

The only way to prevent the disease is a vaccine, the creation of which was announced in early 2017. However, before you breathe a sigh of relief, because the disease of the century is finally defeated, it is worth looking at the reverse side of the invention, which few people want to talk about.

1. The issue of mass production of the vaccine has been repeatedly postponed

The launch in production and sale through the pharmacy chains of any medicine is preceded by many years of testing and various clinical trials. They are conducted to find out the mechanism of work, the effectiveness of a concentration of the active substance, the expiration date of the invented drug. Without them, no country will approve the production of a new drug, to which the vaccine is equal from any disease. A study of the vaccination against HPV and cervical cancer involved several thousand women, and many of them were unhappy with the state of their body. Doctors several times postponed the announcement that the vaccine was created, which can not but alarm.

2. She has serious side effects

They also have any other drug, and therefore doctors do not consider them to be something supernatural. Previous attempts to create a vaccine turned into gastric ulcers, susceptibility to oncological diseases, deterioration of the internal organs or simply aggravation of the course of an already dangerous disease. For this, clinical tests are carried out, but no one knows for sure if the HPV vaccine has delayed side effects that can make itself felt 5-10 years after vaccination. Of those that have already become known, the fragility of bones, disorientation in space, amnesia, multiple sclerosis and circulatory disorders are called.

3. It leads to infertility

Conspiracy theorists have evidence that some vaccines are now used by some major states for an invisible war against others. The HPV vaccine is considered the most vivid example of how the United States is trying to control the rival countries and the third world states.

Knowing about the serious side effects, America supplies them with a large number of vaccines in the work of charitable organizations, counting on the fact that serious problems destabilize the hormonal system of women of reproductive age from "enemy" countries and therefore they will not be able to give birth. In England, for example, it was estimated that 5 out of 8 women who made this injection lost the opportunity to have children, despite the fact that outwardly they are perfectly healthy.

4. Hiding the true test results in humans

The newspaper of the University of Vancouver managed to find out that this report on the study of the impact of the vaccine on humans was intentionally hidden from the press and future buyers. The one found by journalists in the network indicated that, together with the drug, a solution of aluminum adjuvant was supposedly administered as a placebo, which in itself worsens the well-being and "smears" the sensations of using the main drug. Naturally, none of the guinea-pigs introduced him: he was simply added to the finished report to write off all the unpleasant incidents during the experiments on him.

5. Doubtful medical ethics

To all girls and girls aged 9 to 26, doctors of modern medical centers literally impose this vaccine. They paints tell young mothers that the HPV virus causes cancer of the uterus when entering the female body, presenting the vaccine with insurance against health problems in the future. In fairness, it should be noted that in addition to cervical cancer, there are other, no less dangerous diseases - for example, AIDS. Today, information about them has receded into the background, because the HPV vaccine is in vogue.

6. It benefits only large pharmaceutical corporations

In the international market, only the vaccine created by the Americans "caught on". Issue its two farm-companies, divided the profit equally among themselves. Pros for them from the popularization of vaccination - the mass. Companies are becoming recognizable, they win international grants from charitable organizations and ... sell drugs that will help them survive the side effects of vaccination. If you calculate all their incomes - the amount is simply astronomical.

7. The vaccine is not excreted from the body

Instead of leaving the female body naturally, it accumulates in the nervous system. Evidence of this assumption was the autopsy of two girls who died suddenly in California. Proteins and antigens of the vaccine serum remained in their bodies even after death, and during their lifetime influenced the state of the vessels of the brain, "sticking" to them in the form of plaques.

8. It acts solely on virgins

The report of the opponents of the vaccination against HPV published shocking data that the vaccine, if effective, only if it was vaccinated to a virgin. The fact is that doctors consider all women who have sexually conditionally infected HPV because of the inability to check all sexual partners. It turns out that before a vaccination a doctor should ask a teenage girl if she had sex. And this is another violation of medical ethics.

9. Unnecessary shake-up of the body

The human body must be able to fight viruses, infections and other "violators" of its normal functioning. For such a "battle" all vital forces of internal systems are activated, so it should not be repeated too often and without a significant reason. Perhaps in the future the same forces would be useful to drive something more serious out of the human body, but resources have already been lowered.

10. There is a more effective method of preventing uterine cancer

Medics themselves are sure that a routine preventive checkup is more important for the timely detection of precancerous disease or an already born tumor. 80% of the total number of successfully cured girls in a timely manner visited the gynecologist, but did not do any inoculations.