30 shocking facts about hallucinations

Did you know that hallucinations can occur not only in mentally ill people? They can visit quite healthy people. Are they intrigued? Then read on.

1. Have you heard anything about Rosenkhan's experiment?

It was conducted in 1973 by the American psychologist David Rosenkhan. So, a man with his seven healthy colleagues to get into psychiatric hospitals, pretended to experience auditory hallucinations. In a medical institution, they again behaved normally. However, as a result, the staff of the mental hospital did not believe that they are healthy people. Do you know how this story ended? The psychologist and his colleagues had to admit to themselves mentally ill, and agreed to take antipsychotic medications. Only a couple of months later they left the hospital.

2. Do you know what auditory hallucinations schizophrenic patients can hear?

So, it can be the voices of one or several people, children's and adults, male and female, familiar and unfamiliar.

3. With a complicated grief, for example, after losing a loved one or a pet, for example, elements of psychopathology may appear, which is hallucination.

In 80% of elderly people after the death of a spouse a month later there are those.

4. Hallucinations and ghosts.

So, in 1921 an ophthalmologist William Wilmer published a note, during which it became clear that in fact the house of the N family was not inhabited by ghosts that supposedly made strange sounds. It turns out that the cause of auditory hallucinations was carbon monoxide poisoning, which from the fireplace did not go to a special tube, but spread to all rooms.

5. In the world there is fish pork (sarpa salpa), eating which causes hallucinations.

The last, so you understand, last not 10 minutes, and up to 36 hours. By the way, in the Roman Empire it played the role of a drug.

6. Did you know that at least once in your life you experienced hallucinations?

All the fault of the phantom vibrations. This is when it seems that your mobile vibrates. Moreover, a study conducted by scientists at the University of Indiana-Purdue, showed that 90% of modern people are affected by such sensory hallucinations.

7. Fatal family insomnia is a rare genetic disease, as a result of which a person dies of insomnia.

So, during the development of the disease at one stage, people experience hallucinations. Worst of all, that from this there are no medications.

8. Olfactory hallucinations most often occur in mentally unhealthy people. Along with this, often non-existent smells and tastes are felt by pregnant women.

9. Thanks to the camera of sensory deprivation (light and soundproof tank, in which a person swims in salt water) hallucinations can occur.

10. Blind people experience visual hallucinations while taking LSD.

11. Never eat a flower under the fabulous name of brugmansia. Otherwise, fly away to neighboring galaxies, experiencing hallucinations.

12. Tomatoes, potatoes, paprika, peppers and aubergines belong to the Solanaceae family. They contain solanine, which when ingested in large quantities, can cause realistic "cartoons."

13. In Minnesota, USA, there is a room in which you will not hear 99.9% of sounds.

So, here you can not hear the noise of the street, the conversation of neighbors outside the wall, the howling of a police siren. Yes, on the one hand it's good, but on the other. ... On the other hand, you are able to hear the sound of your own heart and after a couple of minutes of staying in such an interesting room you will begin to experience auditory hallucinations.

14. Remember the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" (1988)?

The detective was Bob Hoskins. True, he got so used to the role that as a result, a few months after filming, he suffered from hallucinations, trying to talk with the animated rabbit.

15. Did you know that an overdose of caffeine causes hallucinations? So do not lean on coffee.

16. Syndrome "Alice in Wonderland" is a condition in which a person sees all the objects surrounding him, including parts of his own body, enlarged in size. Moreover, the hallucinations that occur in Alice's syndrome are perceived by all the senses of man, and not only by sight.

17. Ball for ping-pong and radio: one, two, three - and you personally caused hallucinations.

This is called the Ganzfeld effect. It is necessary to turn the radio on an empty wave with interference (it is this white noise that causes hallucinations), lie on your back and glue the halves of the ball to your eyes. In a few minutes, you will have very strong hallucinations. Some see flying horses, and some speak with deceased relatives. True, it is better not to take risks to not play in the box.

18. If you continuously look into your interlocutor's eyes for 10 minutes, sooner or later you will see hallucinations.

Thus, a study conducted by Italian scientists and 10 volunteers showed that 90% of the subjects confirmed the fact that during these 10 minutes the partner's face begins to distort, change shape, 75% saw a monster in front of him, and 15% said that before them began to appear features of their relatives.

19. In Colorado, USA, there is a supermaximum security prison SuperMax.

Even the supervisors working in it note that it is better to die than to be imprisoned here. Thus, the jailers are in complete isolation not only from the outside world, but also from each other. They spend 22-23 hours in solitary confinement, as a result of which prisoners often suffer from hallucinations.

20. Paired madness - this is how you can literally call the distortion of the perception of folie à deux, which in psychology is called induced insanity.

Delusional ideas, hallucinations of a mentally ill person can "spill over" to another person who has not previously suffered any mental illnesses. Worst of all, this second may be involved in dangerous activities that do not preclude the commission of a murder.

21. In the case of an overdose of Benadryl, a drug designed to overcome an allergy, hallucinations may occur, indistinguishable from reality.

22. Rebel Wilson, now an actress and a comedian, was more interested in figures than theater. A trip to South Africa, the malaria picked up there and the hallucinations caused by it, convinced Wilson to try herself as an actress.

23. The romantic composer Robert Schumann had frequent auditory hallucinations, which inspired him to the famous symphonies. But when Shuman grew old, the ever-sounding note "la" began to appear to him. Because of this, Schumann got into a psychiatric hospital and soon committed suicide.

24. Paris among the Japanese causes a mental illness. Moreover, the experts gave her the name - "Paris syndrome". It is caused by the discrepancy between the advertised romantic image of the city and reality.

25. Red honey. It is he who can cause hallucinations. It is collected by Himalayan bees. True, it is necessary to taste this honey with extreme caution.

26. Cotard syndrome. Still it is called the syndrome of a walking dead ...

The patient claims that he does not have this or that organ. For example, one patient believed that she had no brain and intestines, and therefore she did not need to eat. This mental illness is also accompanied by auditory, visual and other hallucinations.

27. In psychology, there is such a hypothesis as bikameralizm, which suggests that the human mind once divided into two parts


So, one of which speaks, and the second obeys and listens. Experience and memories of the right hemisphere of the brain are transmitted to the left hemisphere through auditory hallucinations.

28. In the UK, a club drug, called "meow-meow", is gaining popularity among young people.

Worst of all, that it is sold legally. Mefedron causes a lot of hallucinations. For example, a 19-year-old Briton spent 18 hours in a non-existent world. It seemed to him that disgusting insects were running around the body.

29. Nutmeg, which is found in the kitchen almost every housewife, is in fact a psychotropic drug that causes hallucinations in large doses.

30. Charles Bonnet syndrome occurs in people who have lost sight. A person in this state begins to see people's faces, cartoons, colorful patterns and objects.