The child has a fever of 39 without symptoms

The very high temperature of the baby is always scary, especially when it lasts more than one day, and the fever-reducing drugs do not knock it down. What to do in this case: to call an ambulance, or to wait until it passes, each of the parents thought. The temperature of 39 degrees and above without symptoms in a child can be for a number of reasons. Diseases that cause fever sometimes require urgent hospitalization of the crumbs, and sometimes the immune system itself will fight infection and special treatment is not necessary.

Why does a fever occur?

If the parents found out that the baby has a fever, then this indicates that an inflammatory process is taking place in the body or the immune system of the crumbs is struggling with infections, viruses or bacteria. There are children's infectious diseases, the symptoms of which begin with a high temperature, and knock it down, if possible, then for quite a while. So, they are:

  1. Children's roseola. It is common in babies up to two years and the first 3-4 days occurs without symptoms, but with a temperature of 39, both in infants and older children. After this period, a rash appears on the body, which after a few days descends. The disease does not require special treatment, except for taking a baby antipyretic.
  2. Enterovirus vesicular stomatitis. This disease affects, mainly children under the age of 10 years. It shows high fever, and after a while begins to develop stomatitis and a rash appears on the skin. Special treatment does not require and passes 10 days after the appearance of the first symptoms.

In addition to childhood infections, there are completely banal diseases that affect both children and adults. In addition, there are conditions that can lead to increased temperatures. The most common among them:

  1. Influenza virus. It manifests itself in a child with a high temperature of 39 degrees and the first days flow without any visible symptoms and complaints of sore throat or a cold. Kids become apathetic to games, and they have a bad appetite, there is an aching in the muscles and a feeling of fatigue. This disease requires medical treatment and, as a rule, includes a group of antipyretic drugs, means for increasing immunity and vitamins, and when a cough occurs, drugs to fight it.
  2. Teething. The appearance of teeth in all babies occurs in different ways. Some moms say that the teeth appeared without any problems, while others complain that the child had a few days of fever without other symptoms, sleepless nights and a strong mood of crumbs.
  3. Stress. No matter how trivial it sounds, but in a teenager, and also in a small child, the temperature of 39 without symptoms can be caused by intense excitement. Moving, trouble in school, problems in the family and with friends, can cause fever for a child for a few days.

In addition, there are still reasons why the child has a fever of 39 without symptoms, and can not be knocked down by medication:

  1. Hidden infectious diseases. They affect a certain organ of the baby and do not always start with pain: acute pyelonephritis, pneumonia, adenoiditis, urinary tract infections, sinusitis, etc. If there is a suspicion of these diseases, then urgent medical consultation is needed.
  2. Pathological conditions. Various tumors, diabetes, leukemia, anemia, etc. - all this can cause a fever in a child.

What to do if the baby suddenly had a fever of 39 without symptoms, then, first of all, give him antipyretic on the basis of paracetamol or ibuprofen and monitor his condition. In addition, it is recommended to drink plenty of crumbs and put him to bed. If the temperature lasts more than two days, then you need to see a doctor, maybe your baby needs hospitalization.