Symptoms of influenza in children

Influenza is one of the most common infectious diseases, which spreads quite intensively and takes on the nature of an epidemic. This disease is caused by the influenza virus, and the source is a person with flu.

Many parents are looking forward to the end of winter and early warming, because virus infections are gaining momentum precisely in the cold season. Infecting the flu is very easy, it's enough to communicate with a sick person or just stay with him in the same room for a while. The most dangerous distributors are infected, with mild illness, they usually do not follow due precautions and carry the flu on their feet. The infection spreads by airborne droplets. At the time of sneezing, coughing or talking to the patient, a large number of influenza viruses are released into the environment.

Influenza Symptoms in Children

The main symptoms of influenza in children can manifest as a few hours, and on the 4th day after infection. The manifestation of the disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature to 39-40 ° C. The child at the same time feels strong weakness, chills, pain in the muscles and joints, and the next day, more headaches are added and in some cases nausea and vomiting are possible. Also, influenza is characterized by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, manifested as a runny nose and a sore throat. In especially severe forms of the disease, there may be loss of consciousness and convulsions. It is worth noting and such symptoms of flu in children, like cyanotic flushing of lips, pale and damp skin, lowering of blood pressure, possibly an upset of the intestine and a rash in the nose and mouth.

How to treat the flu in children?

In most cases, the treatment is done at home. The most important thing in it is compliance with bed rest and the implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor. Depending on the form of the disease, doctors prescribe various medications and flu preparations for children. It is also important to give the child vitamins (A, C and E) and abundant drink, especially hot tea with raspberry jam, cranberry or cranberry mors. The room in which the patient is located, it is necessary to regularly ventilate and wipe the objects and floors in it using a disinfectant. If the child's temperature has risen above 38 ° C, you can give him paracetamol or apply such folk antipyretic drugs, like a decoction of dried raspberries and infusion of lime flowers.

Prevention of influenza in children

How can you protect and protect your child from the flu? There are different ways to prevent this disease. One of them: a flu shot, which can be given to children once a year. Its main goal is to develop immunity against this viral disease and protect the body against possible complications after the flu in children, which can be deadly.

There is much debate on the topic: is it worth it to vaccinate a child against the flu? To date, this procedure is not mandatory, and the final decision is left only for you. Before it is accepted, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and carefully weigh all the pros and cons of this method.

How can you not infect a child with the flu if you are the carrier of the infection and the child is not protected by vaccination? In this case, doctors recommend that children lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolin ointment and rinse the mouth with a tincture of eucalyptus or calendula before going to bed. These procedures kill viruses and have a disinfectant effect. And, of course, it is necessary to wear a respirator when communicating with the child.