Heat stroke - symptoms in children

Quite often in the summer, mothers, after not having looked after their child, are subjected to a thermal shock, which in children has hidden symptoms. The main cause of its occurrence is the banal overheating of a small organism.

Why are children particularly prone to heat shock?

The fact is that the thermoregulation system in children is quite imperfect. That's why babies are faster than their parents, freezing in the cold or overheating in the sun. In this case, for the occurrence of a thermal shock in a one-year-old child, it is not necessary that the air temperature be 40 degrees. That's why, often parents are puzzled, as with a child this could happen, because the street is not so hot.

The main mistake that parents make in the summer is dressing the kids out of the weather . In addition, quite often, in order to save money, parents put on a child in synthetic clothing, which does not allow air to pass through, and greatly delays the heat released by the body.

In most cases, a heat stroke develops with a fluid deficit. Therefore, parents should control the amount of water a child drinks per day.

What are the main signs of a heat stroke?

As mentioned above, the symptoms of heat stroke, both in small children and in adolescents, are few and often hidden. The main signs that indicate a child's heat stroke are dry lips, dry back and, especially, underarms. In addition, the skin is also hyperemic and hot to the touch.

Little children in such cases are very overexcited and capricious, often crying, and sometimes even screaming. Then, after a short period of time, they become apathetic to everything around them, and move little. In the presence of such symptoms of heat stroke, the child must urgently provide first aid.

Heatstroke - what to do?

Quite often, parents, knowing what symptoms are observed with a heat stroke, do not know how to help the child.

The first thing that needs to be done is to transfer the child to more comfortable conditions: in a shadow, in a ventilated, ventilated room. This will stop the process of loss of body fluids. Then, with a damp towel, or in the extreme case with wet wipes, wipe the limbs and face surface with it. At the same time, start the process of liquid recovery. Feed your baby often, but in small sips. If you immediately give your child a lot of water, then the risk of vomiting is high. It will be better if you pre-salt water (1/2 teaspoon to 0.5 liters). When providing hospital care, in such cases, an isotonic solution is used. Despite the fact that the heat stroke is accompanied by a rise in body temperature, it is not necessary to take antipyretic medications .

Such first aid in case of heat stroke should be provided to children as soon as possible.

How to prevent heat stroke?

Particular attention to rest with children should be given to the prevention of their heat stroke. So, do not let a child be in the sun without a hat. The time of staying in direct sunlight should also be strictly limited - no more than 20-30 minutes. If you rest on the beach, use the umbrellas to create a shadow and make sure that the children play only under them.

Let the child drink a lot. It is best if it is ordinary drinking water without gas. If the baby refuses to drink empty water, you can slightly sweeten it.

Observing the above conditions, you will be able to prevent the occurrence of a thermal shock in a child, the consequences of which can adversely affect his health.