Corn on the toe

There was a small elegant leg in a slipper-type "boat" on a thin hairpin. And here is the second, the same, set foot on the asphalt, and a young girl sprang out of the car. Slim and light, she, like a bird, headed for the office building with an air gait. But the day is just beginning, and it is not yet known what it will be to its end. And here in the courtyard is evening, lights are lit, and tired people go home. And what about our charmer? For a long working day, she ran so high on the high heels on the floors, fulfilling the orders of the chief, that she was not happy with her new shoes, and her toes had rubbed her toes. Hurry home!

Yes, the picture is typical. In the mornings we rejoice in the bright sun, good weather, we are proud of our youth and new "boats", and in the evening, tired and running, we curse and our stupidity, and these damn shoes that rubbed the callus on the big toe of the right foot. And where they come from, these calluses, just come from!

But, in fact, where?

To answer this question, special medical knowledge is not needed, just a little worldly experience and banal curiosity. As you know, calluses on toes appear in two cases. First, when you put on a new or uncomfortable tight shoes, where your fingers rub against each other. Secondly, if there is a metabolic disorder in the body.


All calluses are divided into soft and hard. To soft calluses are depreciation or namma, watery and bloody corn. They appear on the big toe or on the heel when wearing tight shoes, as well as with excessive sweating and irregular feet hygiene. Corn on the big toe is called a bunion and is the most painful among all the soft corns.

To the hard callosities are all the well-known napotypes, coronal and bony calluses and heel spurs. At the heart of their education, as a rule, is the violation of calcium metabolism. But whatever the etiology, the calluses on the toes require timely treatment.

Methods of treatment

Treatment of calluses on the toes depends on many factors. To eliminate the rubbing it is enough just to wear comfortable loose shoes and watch the cleanliness of the feet. With water and blood blisters you have to tinker. First, they are rather painful, and secondly, they need to be able to properly remove. In the home, such corns are pierced with a thin disinfected needle, the liquid is drained and smeared with greens. Then the affected area is sealed with a plaster, so that the skin does not crack from premature drying.

Treatment of calluses between the toes also requires changing the shoe closely to a spacious and well ventilated, as these calluses often occur with excessive sweating of the feet and fungal lesions. Here the baths with bark of an oak, or a turn, or a camomile perfectly will approach. In a word, everything that removes excess sweat. And also antifungal drugs.

The treatment and removal of bunion and hard chronic calluses on the fingers and toes of the toes is possible, perhaps only for doctors. But there are many beautiful folk recipes for solving this problem. Here are some of them:

  1. If the corn is not old and still soft, then take the bread crumb, moisten it in the vinegar and attach it to the rubbed place. Compress the tape and go to bed. And in the morning, remove the bandage and wash your feet well. Smooth callus rubbed with pumice stone. Compresses do within a week. They can alternate with apples from potatoes with onions. Rub on a small grated potato and onions in equal parts and apply this slurry on the corn. Compress the cover with a film and pribintovyvaete, and in the morning you take it out.
  2. A wonderful way to remove calluses on toes is a poultice of garlic with bacon. Mix the crushed garlic clove with a small amount of heated lard and put on the place of the corn compaction for the night. The leg is warmed, and in the morning the poultice is removed and the deformed hornfels are scraped off with pumice stone.
  3. Vinegar is very suitable for the removal of core corn. On the affected site, glue the patch, first making a hole in it the size of the core of the corn. Then, drop a little vinegar on the corn patch that emerges from the hole of the patch and cover it with a bandage. In the morning, wash your feet. Repeat the procedure until you get rid of the corn completely.

There are many different ways to remove calluses on toes, but it's best to wear comfortable shoes, and you will not need these tools.