Stages of cellulite - how to recognize and treat all stages of the development of the "orange crust"?

Of the many imperfections in the figure, cellulite is one of the most discussed and pressing problems of our time. With this "enemy of a beautiful body," most women are familiar, and some have not had the luck to encounter him as a teenager. We learn what stages of cellulite exists and what treatment is shown for each of them.

What is cellulite and what does it look like?

It is a mistake to think that the "orange peel" is revealed only in plump ladies. This is not just a manifestation of excess fat deposits accumulated with age, as it was thought until recently, but evidence of violations in the female body. Proof of this is the appearance of signs of cellulite of one or another stage, even in slender girls who never suffered from excess weight.

There are still disagreements among specialists as to whether to consider this deviation as a disease or to refer it to cosmetic defects. With cellulite in the subcutaneous layer, structural and dystrophic changes occur, characterized as stagnant phenomena in fatty tissue, where the lobes of adipose tissue are separated by connective tissue fibers. This is accompanied by a violation of the normal circulation of blood and lymph, leading to difficulty in feeding tissues.

As a result, uneven deposition of fat, excess fluid and metabolic products takes place in the form of gradually increasing lumps, which visually makes the surface of the skin embossed, bumpy. "Favorite" sites of cellulite localization are thighs and buttocks, but often a defect is found in the abdomen, on the arms. Depending on the degree of cellulite, in addition to the "orange peel", other symptoms of the defect are noted: swelling of the tissues, cyanosis, deterioration of skin sensitivity in the affected area, soreness, and others.

Cellulite - Causes

When a woman is diagnosed with cellulite, the causes often include several provoking factors, among which:

How to determine the stages of cellulite?

Due to the fact that the pathological changes in cellulite develop in stages, gradually progressing, they separate several stages of the defect, each of which has its own distinctive manifestations and recommendations for treatment. Identify the signs of the cellulite stage with an unaided eye, for which you can perform a small test: with the thumb and forefinger of one hand, squeeze a skin area of ​​5-10 cm across the muscle fibers and observe how the appearance of the skin changes and whether irregularities appear on it.

Cellulite - 1 stage

In the initial, first stage of cellulite, when the skin area is squeezed on its surface, the "orange peel" is already drawn, although it is hardly noticeable and is not detected in the usual state. Skin tissues are smooth, but there is a small puffiness associated with stagnation of blood and lymph. In addition, cellulite, the first stage is characterized by a weakening of the regenerating abilities of the tissues, which causes hematomas, damage to the integrity of the skin heal longer.

Cellulite - 2nd stage

The second stage of cellulitis is diagnosed when the unevenness, tuberosity of the cutaneous relief is manifested without squeezing it into the fold, and with muscular tension this can be seen more distinctly. The skin looks more flabby, has lost elasticity and healthy color, edematous, and the subcutaneous fatty tissue is densified by palpation. Already at this stage of cellulite, the affected parts of the body begin to lose sensitivity.

3 stage of cellulite

This stage is called "loose" cellulite and is characterized by considerable coarsening of the skin, a distinct tuberosity, reduced elasticity. The third stage of cellulite is a stage of progression of pathology, in which fatty tissue is severely damaged, blood circulation and lymph drainage are disturbed, and nervous endings are jammed. Characterized by severe swelling of the tissues, spontaneous formation of hematomas, the skin to the touch dry and cold. When probing under the skin, tight knots are formed, formed by a sclerotized connective tissue.

4 stage of cellulite

The started cellulite, the last stage of which is a serious lesion, is characterized by large-scale changes in skin and muscle tissues. The skin is cyanotic or pale, like a sponge, covered with tubercles, pits, blisters, a large venous network is clearly visible on it. The blood circulation is completely broken, the muscles undergo atrophy. When pressing on the skin, pain occurs. Changes in the relief of the skin clearly differ even through a layer of tight clothing.

Cellulite - stages, treatment

Regardless of the stage at which cellulite is found, it is necessary to minimize the effect of provoking factors in order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms or to reduce them. It is recommended to abandon bad habits, adhere to the principles of healthy eating, lead an active lifestyle, observe the regime of work and rest. In addition, you should use a sufficient amount of liquid (at least 1.5 liters per day), refuse to constantly wear pulling clothes and tights, take care of the skin of the body through nutritional and moisturizing agents.

The action of therapeutic anti-cellulite techniques is based on the following:

Cellulite 1 stage - treatment

Cellulite, the initial stage of which is found on time, is well amenable to correction, and at this stage it is possible to cope with the problem independently, without recourse to specialists. The main goal in this case - the establishment of the functioning of the lymphatic system to ensure the normal removal of excess fluid and the normalization of metabolic processes in tissues. It is recommended to perform gymnastic exercises from cellulite, do self-massage (manual, canned or hardware) with the use of anti-cellulite funds, periodically visit the sauna.

Many girls who have discovered the "birth" of cellulite and have already started an active fight against it, are interested in how much the first stage of cellulite disappears. A single answer to this question can not be given, because each organism is individual and reacts differently to medical methods. In some cases, tissue repair occurs in a couple of months, in other cases it may take longer.

Cellulite 2 stages - treatment

If the 2nd degree of cellulite has developed, the treatment approach should be more serious and responsible, although there is still the opportunity to conduct effective treatment on its own. Physical culture should be practiced regularly, and you should also increase daily activity: climb and descend the stairs on foot, less use of transport, with sedentary work more often take breaks for easy gymnastics and the like. A good effect is given by swimming, cycling, running.

The following home and salon anti-cellulite techniques are useful:

3 stage of cellulite treatment

If all signs indicate cellulite 3 degrees, how to treat it, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. Home treatment in this case is ineffective. It may be necessary to medication correction of hormonal disturbances, metabolic processes, cleansing of the intestine and liver, liposuction - surgical intervention to remove excess fat in problem areas. Diet, exercise, use of all kinds of home remedies must necessarily be combined with professional methods.

Positive effect can provide such procedures:

Treatment of cellulite of the 4th stage

In the last, the most difficult stage of cellulite development, treatment requires a thorough and long-lasting, and without the help of doctors in this case can not do. It is worthwhile to understand that it will not be possible to regain the healthy appearance of the skin, but it is possible to improve its condition and prevent complications. In addition to establishing internal processes in the body, liposuction, healthy lifestyles, gymnastics and diet, regular courses of anti-cellulite procedures are needed in the conditions of the salon or clinic.

At this stage of cellulite, such techniques are considered effective:

How to prevent cellulite at an early stage?

As with other pathologies, cellulite is easier to prevent than treat. If you pay attention to symptoms in time, the early stage of cellulite can be quickly defeated, because at this stage it is still possible to reverse the pathological processes.

In order not to become the owner of the "orange peel", it is recommended:

  1. Exclude from the diet of harmful products (smoked meat, pickles, sweets, fresh pastries and so on).
  2. Eat more clean water.
  3. Be physically active.
  4. Minimize stress and distress, overwork.
  5. Keep track of the body weight.
  6. Refuse squeezing clothes and shoes;
  7. Apply the means to maintain the level of moisturizing and elasticity of the skin.
  8. Regularly conduct the diagnosis of the body.