Olive oil from stretch marks

Stretching, or striae, is the number two problem for women after cellulite. These ugly stripes of white, pink or purple color can spoil even the most charming figure. Unfortunately, completely to relieve the skin of strongly pronounced, long-appearing stretch marks is possible only surgically. However, there are many ways to combat this aesthetic problem, which can significantly reduce its manifestations, and the "fresh" strias that appeared less than a year ago, are almost completely eliminated.

At home, every woman can afford to use such a remedy against stretch marks, like olive oil. First of all, it has prophylactic properties, helping to prevent their occurrence. For example, olive oil is effective for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy if it is used from the first days of conception, or even better - before pregnancy planning. However, if you already noticed that the furrows appeared on your skin, simple daily procedures will stop the development of the process.

The action of olive oil from stretch marks

Olive oil when applied to the skin provides the cells necessary for maintaining the elasticity and normal level of hydration of organic acids, vitamins and trace elements. In particular, it is the richest source of vitamin E, which has antioxidant and regenerating properties, which allows skin cells to actively renew and restore, protect against degenerative changes. In addition, olive oil stimulates the mechanism of synthesis of its own collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

Ways of using olive oil from stretch marks

It is worth noting that the most useful in the fight against stretch marks is unrefined olive oil "cold pressed", which preserves all valuable substances. It can be used as part of a cream or body lotion, but the undiluted olive oil still has the greatest effect.

Before applying the oil, the obligatory procedure is the preparation of the skin. Namely, for a better perception of nutrients, you need to peel, using a home-made scrub. For example, combine the ground coffee with olive oil and honey in a proportion of 2: 1: 1, mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to moistened skin, rubbing with massage movements using a sponge or just a hand for several minutes (until light redness of the skin). Another recipe for scrub: mix in the same parts sea salt and olive oil.

Peeling helps to release the surface of the skin from keratinized cells, activates the rush of blood, under its influence, open and clean pores. Due to this, saturation of problem areas of the skin with beneficial substances is activated, and they are better absorbed by the cells of the epidermis.

After the peeling, the olive oil is directly applied to the areas where stretch marks are present (or is expected to occur). It is necessary to wait 10 - 15 minutes for the oil to soak in, remove excess with a paper napkin. Olive oil from stretch marks should be used for rubbing into the skin at least twice a day (peeling is enough to do once a day - in the evening).

To enhance the effect, you can add to the olive oil essential oils, which are also used in the fight against stretch marks. For example, oil of orange, neroli, lavender, roses. In 10g of olive oil, you need to add 5 drops of ethereal oil.

For older, neglected stretch marks, it is more effective to use the following mixture for rubbing: 100 ml of olive oil, 100 ml of aloe juice, 5-7 drops of vitamin E oil solution.

A good action against stretch marks is a mask, which is prepared according to this recipe: mix 150 grams of low-fat sour cream with crushed zest of one grapefruit and two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the mixture to problem areas for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask can be used two to three times a week instead of rubbing pure olive oil.

Remember that only patience and the daily execution of these procedures will help to achieve excellent results.