Corn on foot

Corn is a dense growth of the upper layer of the skin. In places of friction and pressure, it is pressed into the skin, thereby causing discomfort.

Treatment of dry callus on the foot

Dry calluses occur, as a rule, when there is constant friction or pressure on the skin. Most often they occur on the toes, heels, and also the feet. The most common reason for their appearance is an inconvenient, incorrectly selected footwear. On the surface of dry callus, a crack can form through which microbes can penetrate, and as a result, inflammation will result. To prevent this, you must immediately remove the cause of the appearance of calluses and begin treatment.

In cosmetology rooms and beauty salons, you can get rid of such a problem with the help of the cryodestruction procedure. Under the action of liquid nitrogen, dense formations on the skin will collapse. Also with dry calluses, laser therapy and radio wave surgery are excellent.

How to remove corn on the foot folk methods?

One of the most popular ways:

  1. Onion husks filled with vinegar, so it was covered with liquid.
  2. We leave to insist for 2 weeks in a bank, covered with paper and tied with a tissue napkin.
  3. After this, we remove the husks, drain the liquid, and lightly dry it.
  4. Then we put it on the corn for the night, the layer of husks should be about 2 cm.
  5. The skin around the corn is lubricated with petroleum jelly.
  6. In the morning we remove the softened corn.

If you can not achieve the desired result in 1 time, repeat the procedure several times.

Another method:

  1. Fresh raw meat (pork or beef) is applied to dry callus for 3 hours.
  2. After that, the callus can be easily removed.

A recipe based on propolis:

  1. In preheated propolis, add a little fat and form a cake.
  2. We put it to the corn for the night, first steaming our legs.
  3. In the morning, exfoliated skin cells can be removed with a pumice stone.

Corn on foot with stem

If the dry callus on the foot is not treated, over time it can transform into corn with a stem that grows into the tissue and causes severe pain.

If a corn with a stem appears on the foot, it is better, of course, to go to a hospital or a cosmetology center. A qualified specialist will help quickly and practically painlessly get rid of this ailment.

At home, you can use gels, patches , creams based on salicylic acid. These funds can be purchased at the pharmacy. But you need to use them very carefully so that the skin does not get hurt.

How to remove corn with the stem on the foot with the help of folk remedies?

The bow will come again to help:

  1. We make gruel from onion or garlic.
  2. We put it on a napkin.
  3. With the help of adhesive plaster we fix on the place of corn with a rod.
  4. It is better to do such a procedure at night.

Sometimes, in order to completely remove the corn together with the core, you may need about 10 procedures.

Purity also copes with a similar problem:

  1. Corns pre-steamed.
  2. We seal healthy skin around the adhesive plaster.
  3. In place of the corn itself, we put the juice of celandine.
  4. We perform such procedures until the root is removed.

If callouses are not chronic, soda-soap trays can help. For this:

  1. In the hot water, pour soda and add laundry soap.
  2. We put our feet about half an hour, and then we try to carefully separate the corn.

It should pay attention to the fact that the removal should be absolutely painless, healthy skin should not be damaged in this case. Sometimes you need to spend 10-15 procedures.

Similarly, mustard baths can be used. The amount of soda and mustard is 1 tablespoon per 3 liters of water. And after the procedure it is desirable to apply a special drug - corn liquid - to the damaged area.