How to remove a stain from red wine?

In the midst of the fun at the festive table, there are often such troubles as a spilled wine on a tablecloth or a spot planted in smart clothes. Such trifles should not spoil the mood neither to guests, nor to the owners of the house, because their consequences can always be eliminated. Our article will tell you how to easily remove a stain from red wine with a blouse , dress, trouser or tablecloth .

Ways to remove stains from red wine

It is believed that the wine spots are complex, but this is not entirely true: under certain rules, they are very well removed without leaving a cloth and a trace of contamination. The most important thing is not to allow the stain to dry. If the stained item is not washed for 1-2 days, removing the stain will be much more difficult. Therefore, after the feast we should not forget that it is not only necessary to wash dirty dishes, but also to soak a tablecloth or clothes soiled in wine, or even better if you can.

We remove the stain with salt

So, the simplest and most common way to remove stains from red wine is using the most common table salt. To her, you need to add a few spoons of water to get a thick gruel, which then should be applied to the stain and slightly rubbed. Salt has the ability to absorb any liquid, including wine. If you see that the stain does not disappear immediately, repeat this procedure a few more times until a successful result is achieved.

Apply this method is recommended only if the stain is fresh. If, after you spilled the wine on the cloth, it's been several hours already, it's better to try other means. It should also be noted that salt can be removed even on sensitive fabrics such as linen or silk.

After cleaning, salt is recommended to wash the cloth in cold water without any detergent, and only then - in warm water with your usual washing powder. However, be careful: some varieties of wine have the property, under the influence of hot soapy water, to change color from red to dark purple. Therefore, it is better to neutralize the color first, and then to erase.

We wash with boiling water

More dense things you can try to clean by the following method. Stretch the fabric in the area of ​​the stain on some rigid frame (you can use a normal pan), boil the water in a teapot with a spout and water the stain with boiling water until the cloth clears. Then wash in the usual way. As a rule, it is possible to wash the stain from red wine the first time.

Ammonia is another good tool in the fight against various kinds of spots. If you do not have salt at hand, you can gently blot the wine stain with a tissue napkin so that all moisture absorbs well into it, and then wash the product in room-temperature water, adding a teaspoon of alcohol to it.

Delicate fabrics

There are tissues that can not be washed at home. They need dry cleaning. However, do not rush to run to dry cleaning: try one of the folk remedies for removing wine stains, which can be applied to this kind of fabric. You need to mix in equal proportions ammonia and glycerin, add 3 parts of vodka and this mixture wipe the stain. Only consider that this method can be used only on white fabric, and not in color.

Lemon acid

The dried stain can be removed with ordinary citric acid. To do this, dilute a teaspoon of powder in a glass of water and use a gauze swab to treat the wine-contaminated cloth, and then rinse the product in slightly warm water. By the way, instead of acid you can use half of fresh lemon.

In addition to folk remedies, there are more traditional ways to remove the stain from red wine. These include the use of chemical stain removers for various types of tissue.