The invention is beliefs and rituals, what can not be done at the Lord's Day?

During the year, believers celebrate church holidays, which are important for everyone. All of them have their own rules and traditions that have been formed for many years. Annually on February 15, it is customary to celebrate the Lord's Savior.

What does the Feast of the Day mean?

The church celebration, dedicated to Christ and the Theotokos, is called Sretenie. It is a twelve-day holiday, which means that it is on the list of 12 major in the Christian calendar. The word "acquisition" is translated as a meeting. On the 40th day after the birth of Christ, the Virgin Mary brought him to the church for baptism, and on February 15 he was consecrated and learned the world. It is believed that at this moment there was a meeting of two epochs: the Old and New Testaments. The Church Feast Slowing is important for all believers who must visit the temple and pray on that day.

Since ancient times, it is believed that on this day there is winter with spring. After this triumph the peasants began to prepare for work in the fields. In Confession, beliefs and rituals about the weather arose from the observation of people:

What can not be done on the Lord's Day?

Many church holidays have a list of cases that are prohibited. In most cases, they were created in order that a person should not be distracted from the faith and only deal with good deeds. There is a list of things that can not be done for the invention:

  1. On this day it is forbidden to quarrel and even think about bad things.
  2. It is impossible to get out and perform other homework on church holidays. This tradition arose when Christianity was only beginning to emerge in Russia, and then religion was forcibly imposed on people.
  3. It is not worth on this day to go for long distances, since there is a risk that it may end badly.
  4. In the Stenya, beliefs and rituals are used that appeared in ancient times, for example, there are signs that it is better not to leave the house at all (except for visiting the church), because you can lose luck.
  5. There is one more superstition connected with money, so it is impossible to put a purse on the table this day, as it is possible to turn off monetary energy from oneself.

The Lord's Birth - what to do on this day?

Clergymen talk about the importance of understanding the essence and power of the feast, as this will help to survive a meeting with the Lord. This holiday gives a chance to receive salvation in order to come to repentance. Finding out how to celebrate the Lord's Savior, it is worth saying that on this day it is important to go to the service in the church. The holiday ends with a big feast, which is sure to be served with pancakes, which is a kind of preparation for Shrovetide.

On this day, candles are lit on the Lord's Savior. This tradition passed from Catholics in the 17th century. The consecration of candles is held in memory of Moses' obligation to sacrifice to God every first child. This is also a sign of sanctification and purification. The Sretenskaya candle is a reminder for every person that the fire of God's Grace is burning inside. It is recommended to ignite it in difficult times, to turn to the Higher Powers and cleanse yourself of negative energy.

Another important tradition is the consecration of water to the Savior, which is valued on a par with the Epiphany. According to ancient traditions, the liquid was not worn in the temple for sanctification, but was collected from melting icicles. Over time, it was lost and sacred water is taken to be recruited in the church. Use it in such cases:

What prayers are read for the Sentinel?

The tradition of each believer is a prayer that can be pronounced in the church and at home. On this day it is customary to thank Christ and the Mother of God. Since ancient times, it is believed that the prayer for the Savior sent by the Mother of God is of great power. It is addressed to people who want to find their love, get protection and protection, get pregnant and so on. Jesus Christ is praying for his children about health and protection.

What conspiracies are read for the Sentinel?

According to pagan traditions, the days of church holidays are the most successful time for carrying out various rituals. Rituals for the Sacrament have a special power, helping to get rid of all the bad and improve their lives. There are several recommendations on how to properly conduct rituals so that they will work:

  1. It is necessary to read the conspiracy for the Seness alone.
  2. You can not tell anyone about the use of magic.
  3. It is important to observe all the nuances of the rite and be sure to believe in a positive result.
  4. The text of the conspiracy is recommended to learn by heart, but if it is difficult, then rewrite it with your own hands and read.

A conspiracy for money in the Savior of the Lord

Since ancient times, people have performed rituals for luck and well-being. The invention, beliefs and rituals of which have been formed for many years is the right time to cope with financial problems and attract the material flow to ourselves. It is necessary to start the ceremony before noon and better on an empty stomach.

  1. Take a glass faceted glass and pour holy water into it.
  2. Put it on the table, which is worth pre-laying a light linen tablecloth.
  3. On both sides of the glass it is necessary to light it by the consecrated candle.
  4. Read the Lord's Prayer three times, and then, drink three small sips.
  5. After that, put the glass in place, lean towards him and say three times the plot for money to meet.
  6. Candles should be burned completely, but you should drink water for three days, mentally dividing the remaining volume of liquid.

Plot on love for the holiday

The rituals of white magic are used by women from ancient times to meet their soul mate, marry successfully, build relationships and strengthen feelings. Love rituals are considered the most popular. More often, conspiracies and rituals are used for Sentence, which help to find their true love. For the rite, prepare the water and the candle, consecrated in the church, and the icon "The Savior of the Lord." Put everything in front of you and tell the plot.

The conspiracy to marry in the Savior

Any rituals held on a church holiday will be more effective than on a normal day. Girls who can not marry for a long time can use special conspiracies for the Savior of the Lord. It is necessary to come to church, when service does not pass, to stand before the image of the Savior and read a special magic text. After that, you need to order a wedding dress and wear it at midnight for 13 days.

Conspiracy to Pregnancy

Many couples can not conceive a child for a long time, which causes people to agree to any action to finally become a parent. Do not despair, because you can ask for help from the Higher Forces. Read conspiracies on the Slyon in the evening or in the afternoon, most importantly, do it with a pure heart and with unshakable faith. Since the main patron saint of women is the Mother of God, it is necessary to seek help from her. The ritual is presented for a week.

  1. Before sunrise, it is necessary to close in the room, face to the east and put a mirror in front of you so that you can see your reflection.
  2. Stretch your belly, imagine yourself in position. Ask for help from the Mother of God at this moment.
  3. Take a small amount of honey and say over it conspiracy number 1. Then the delicacy must be eaten not only by the woman, but also by her husband.
  4. After that, you need to go to church together and buy the icon "Unexpected joy" and sacred candles.
  5. Before you go to bed, put an icon near the bed and light a candle next to it. A woman should read the conspiracy number 2 near the icon.

The invention - a conspiracy to a purse

If there are financial problems, then February 15 is the ideal time to improve the situation and attract financial prosperity. When the situation changes, it is necessary to thank the Almighty by putting a candle in the church . Plots and rituals for the Presentation of the Lord are known from ancient times, for example, they carry out a ritual with a purse, and it should be done 7 days.

  1. It is important to retire and concentrate on your desire.
  2. Pick up a purse with money and open it (this applies to all branches).
  3. After this, it is necessary to say a special conspiracy.

Privorot on the Presentation of the Lord

Many lonely girls use the magic of this day in order to attract the guy they liked. Privorot on the Syllabus helps to kindle feelings in the heart of a loved one. The magic begins to act right after the magic plot is uttered. Remember that the Higher powers help only those who have sincere feelings and have good intentions. It is necessary to go to church and stand facing the sun so that between it and the face there are domes. After that, you can quietly tell a charming text.

The Presentation of the Lord is a candle-lit fortune-telling

Divination is one of the most popular traditions among the people in church holidays. With their help you can learn important information about the present and the future. Divination by Candlemas is a great opportunity to find out if the next year will be successful.

  1. We need to go to church for Mass and defend the service with a candle.
  2. When it's all over, you can go home, but do not put out the candle.
  3. If the flame is not gassed all along the way, it is believed that the person will be accompanied by luck in all matters.
  4. Even more good favors were considered to have fallen on the hand three drops of melted wax.
  5. The beliefs and rituals used on the Savior are filled with mysticism, so it was believed that the candle, the quickest of all, would go out in the temple, he would die first.