Dreamworms - what are the worms about?

Worms - in reality, with a single glance at these creatures, there is a feeling of shudder and disgust, even if there is an understanding that this is as much a part of nature as man himself. A dream in which worms are present is an unpleasant phenomenon, but if to open for example, an esoteric dream book - worms in a dream symbolize a rich harvest and finance.

Why do we dream about worms?

Worms disgust most people, because unconsciously the psyche perceives these creatures as devourers falling. Everything that is degradable in nature is a nutrient medium for worms, so unconscious mechanisms work at the level of fear of death, futility and the decay of human being. Dreams in which worms appear, cause a person to come into contact with his deep fears, but the interpretation of such a dream depends on many details:

The most famous interpretation of dreams with worms:

Why do worms dream of eating?

This dream carries a negative dynamics of the development of events in reality, but we must give credit to the subconscious, which indicates the presence of problems, albeit in such an unpleasant way. What can you learn about this dream in well-known dream books:

What do maggots wry?

What if the worms dreamed, what does the unconscious need to pay attention to? It is necessary to carefully analyze the dream, to understand the clues of the body and to compare with the real actions performed by a person in recent times. For example, a dream with gums - the conscience of a person tries to signal that the evil intention intended by him is better not to be implemented - this is one of the interpretations. What other dreamers tell about this dream:

Why do earthworms dream?

Earthy or as they are called in the people earthworms do not cause a feeling of such disgust as other representatives, people who have suburban areas know how useful these worms are for the fertility of the soil and as a result of a good harvest. "What earthworms are dreaming about in the earth or when they crawl to the surface, you can find out by looking into the proven dream books:

Why dream of pulling a worm out of the body?

Such dreams are often a signal of the body for ill-being, therefore, upon awakening, one must rethink and think about nutrition, lifestyle, and pay attention to one's body. Why dream of pulling out worms and in general what worms in the body mean - there are answers in various dreamers:

Why does meat with worms dream?

One of the most unfavorable dreams for a person. Worms, and even in combination with meat - both symbols carry negative aspects. If you dreamed meat with worms - sleep should be analyzed, with difficulties you can look into the wise dream book:

Why dream about fish with worms?

To understand what a fish with worms dreamed about, it is necessary to pay attention to the state of the fish itself: it is alive or dead, floating in water or as a food is on a plate of a dreamer. All the details of sleep are important for deciphering. Fish with worms - how to interpret this dream are popular dream books:

Why do big worms dream?

A dream with large worms symbolizes the problems of a sleeping person who either consciously inflated them to a gigantic size, or in case of connivance and unwillingness to look into the unfortunate spheres of life, problems acquire undesirable scope. Other interpretations of sleep:

What is the dream of worms in the water?

If you dream about a dream in which water is teeming with worms, do not be upset, a dream can indicate a change in stagnant affairs and a turn toward financial stability. Career and family life also undergo changes. In the dream books, you can find another kind of interpretation for this dream:

Why do many worms dream?

The dream with these unpleasant creatures in large numbers rarely carries a positive meaning, the archetypal symbol of the worm is destruction, and when a host of worms appears in a dream, one can judge the extent of the problems that have arisen along the way of hassle and obstacles. Interpretation of dream by different dream books:

Why dream long worms?

Long thin worms crawling out of the earth or crawling along the body - a dream warns a person that evil tongues are gossiping about him behind his back. What else can tell such a dream:

Why dream of digging worms?

Digging worms for fishing is a natural process for a lover of fishing and fishermen often dream of such a dream. But how to decipher a dream, to a person far from such a passion. In the dream books you can find the following interpretations: