Signs on October 8

Day 8 of October is associated with the memory of St. Sergius of Radonezh, who entered the history of the Russian Orthodox Church as a holy and deeply revered by the people. Among the peasants, he is considered the patron of chickens.

October 8 is the day when Sergius of Radonezh is commemorated during church services; with it are connected and signs , indicating the weather of the coming winter.

Signs on the day of Sergius of Radonezh

The Memorial Day of the Monk was commemorated by labor. October 8 was considered a good day for chopping cabbage and scoring for the sale of chickens. By the way, chicken meat was the main type of meat on this day on the table, with the festive dinner rich and rich.

Cabbage started to be salted on October 8, as it was believed that its early salting would lead to souring and spoilage of the product.

Observed and the state of nature.

  1. People's omens on October 8 claimed: if the snow fell on Sergius of Radonezh, then the real winter will come already on November 21, in Mikhailov's day.
  2. But if the leaves of the birches had not yet fallen by this time, it was believed that the snow would not fall very soon.
  3. If this day was clear warm weather, then it stayed for another three weeks.
  4. Determined the weather of the next winter and the direction of the wind: the southern foreshadowed a warm winter, the northern - severe, and the western - snowy.
  5. Signs on October 8 noted that it was not uncommon for Sergiy Radonezhsky to have a snowstorm, but this snow did not last long, quickly melted and did not foreshadow the beginning of winter.
  6. If the snowball on this day fell out for the first time, it was believed that before the beginning of the winter will be no less than forty days.

In the snow falling on the day of Sergiy Radonezhsky, people's signs about the weather on October 8 helped determine the yield of the next year. So, for example, it was believed that the snow falling on the wet earth and completely covering it, was a harbinger of a rich future harvest . If, he was dry, he promised a good summer next year.