Ointment for allergies for children

Unfortunately, today, children who are unfamiliar with an allergy, a rare phenomenon, you can even say exceptional. That is why the question is especially acute: how to relieve the condition of an allergic baby, than to rub it to soothe an unbearable itch. Today, let's talk about what kind of ointments for allergies can be used to treat children.

Children's non-hormonal ointments from allergies

Non-hormonal ointments from allergies can be used to treat the youngest patients: newborns and infants. These drugs do not contain hormones, have an anti-inflammatory effect, soothe the itching of a child that is disturbing and promote the quick healing of irritations on the skin.

  1. Elidel - anti-inflammatory ointment, which also has a local antiallergic effect. Elidel is most often used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children, starting at the age of three months. Ointment has proven itself in pediatric practice, as it is not absorbed into the blood and can be applied to any part of the body.
  2. Gystan is a biologically active supplement of topical application. Used to treat skin allergic reactions (pruritus and urticaria ), and also as an anti-inflammatory drug in atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema . The composition of gistan includes extracts of lily of the valley, milkweed, violets, turns, birch buds.
  3. Betanthen is a non-hormonal ointment based on despanthenol. Perfectly heals microscopic skin lesions, it is safe for use in children since birth.
  4. Vundehil is a non-hormonal ointment of vegetable origin. Active substances vundehila accelerate the restoration of all layers of the skin, reduce pain and swelling. It is widely used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children since birth.

Children's hormonal ointments from allergies

Hormonal ointments and creams are preparations that contain corticosteroid hormones. To their use pass only when non-hormonal means were powerless. Of course, hormone ointments are faster and more effective in relieving itching and healing inflammation. But their use, especially in young children, can lead to greater health problems in the future, for example, the development of adrenal insufficiency. Particular danger is contained in drugs that are actively absorbed into the blood and have a powerful effect on the entire children's body as a whole: flucinar, fluorocort, hydrocortisone ointment, loridern. That is why it is absolutely unacceptable to independently prescribe hormonal ointments for the treatment of a child or to exceed the dosage and duration of treatment. Even hormone medications prescribed by a doctor should be used very carefully, carefully following the instructions. It is also impossible to abruptly stop treatment, as the condition of the baby can significantly worsen. The dose received together with ointment hormones should be reduced gradually, mixing hormonal preparation with usual children's cream.

  1. Elokom is a hormonal ointment from allergies, whose active ingredient is mometasone. It is used to treat itching dermatoses, eczema, atopic dermatitis. Elokom ointment can be used to treat children aged two years, applying it in a thin layer to inflamed areas once a day. With prolonged use, it is necessary to monitor the function of the adrenal glands.
  2. Advantan is the most gentle hormonal ointment for allergies. You can use it, starting with four months. Contains minimal amount of hormones and therefore causes minimal harm to the body. Do not use Advantan for longer than a month.