Silver spoon on the first tooth

Surely many people have heard about the tradition of giving a silver spoon to the first tooth, but few people think about its essence. In recent years, thanks to the development of digital technologies and the Internet, information has become widely available, the various signs and superstitions that our grandmothers and even mothers unconditionally followed were subjected to merciless criticism and discredit. Thus, most young parents calmly show their children to relatives and friends in the first days of life, actively photograph children, cut their hair, do not wait for the first anniversary and do many other things without looking back at old, sometimes irrational prohibitions. To oblivion are devoted and silver spoons, as a gift for newborn children. Many parents prefer to "order" and make more rational gifts, considering the tradition obsolete, and the very spoon - senseless bliss. And, by the way, in vain. Let's try to figure out in detail why a child needs a silver spoon.

Why are they given a silver spoon?

Silver products are not only beautiful, but also unquestionably useful. Thus, modern science has the facts that silver ions are capable of destroying about 650 species of all kinds of microorganisms, including pathogens, causing intestinal and other diseases. The disinfecting properties of silver are 5 times higher than that of lime and chlorine. In addition, it is able in a short time to neutralize and remove toxins from the body.

In folk medicine is widely used so-called "silver water", which is obtained as a result of "charging" the liquid with ions of noble metal. It is used for the prevention of various acute respiratory diseases, influenza, strengthens general immunity and improves metabolism.

Thus, the answer to the question of why a silver spoon is given has a practical explanation. This gift is usually timed to the appearance of the first tooth, after which, as a rule, the first lure is introduced. To give the first food from a silver spoon is safe, it not only ionizes food, but also kills bacteria in the mouth and on the baby's teeth. So a child who previously fed only mother's milk and now risks getting an infection with new food, an additional "remedy" appears.

A bit of history

It is believed that the custom of giving a child a silver spoon goes back to the biblical stories. Among the gifts brought by the magicians of the baby Jesus, there were also articles of gold. But, since, in ancient times, at a greater pace and honor was silver, the newborn was given a silver ornament or coin as a symbol of a rich and happy life. The tradition was continued - on the first day of school, a grammar-teaser was given a teaspoon on the day of the beginning of studies and a canteen on the day of graduation. Spoon - a symbol of growing up, gaining independence.

Who should give a silver spoon?

If the practical purpose and symbolism of such a gift is all relatively clear, then about who and when giving a silver spoon, there are different points of view. One of them, as mentioned above, supports the custom of donating a spoon to the first tooth. An honorable mission to make a gift is placed on the one who will discover the tooth first.

Also there is an opinion that the silver spoon should be given by the godparents to the christening. A very rational approach, since it, on the one hand, relieves parents of considerable expenditure, and on the other hand it solves the problem of gift for the godparents. Toys can break, clothes will inevitably become small, and a spoon will become a memorable and useful gift. In order to make the gift more original, you can make a donative engraving on a silver spoon, a kind of "message to the future."

However, if a spoon for some reason your baby is not given, try to buy it yourself. Think about it - you spend an impressive amount every month on disposable diapers and toys, interesting, in fact, more to you than the child, so maybe you should buy a baby and a really useful thing.