Inflammation of bone tissue

As a result of violation of the integrity of the bones, infection or complications after operations, such pathology as ostitis develops. This condition characterizes the inflammation of the bone tissue, which also occurs with tuberculosis at a time when the disease precedes tuberculous arthritis. In time, the treatment started gives a high probability of successful therapy.

Inflammation of the jaw bone

Ostitis is the initial stage of bone disease, rapidly passing into periostitis, which in turn is formed against a background of complicated periodontitis. The latter can have a purulent and fibrous course.

The most common disease of the maxillofacial region is osteomyelitis . Predecessors of purulent-necrotic conditions - pathology of tooth and periodontal tissues.

The danger of this condition is that the infection can go to the skull and brain. Therefore, if an inflammation of the jaw is detected, it should immediately appear to the doctor.

Inflammation of the foot bone tissue

Bones in a healthy body are well protected against bacteria. However, infections can penetrate through the bloodstream, adjacent tissues or through a wound.

To penetrate into the bone pathogens can through the wound with surgical intervention or open fractures. Often the inflammation arises on the joint implant and after it covers the joint bones.

Infected blood can penetrate into the limbs from other organs. Usually the process is formed in the legs, later the inflammation of the bone tissue is transmitted to the spine. Transmission of the virus to the spine is characteristic of persons undergoing dialysis of the kidneys, as well as for addicts. In addition, the vertebrae become vulnerable to tuberculosis.

Antibiotics for inflammation of bone tissue

To combat the virus, drugs of a wide spectrum of action are used. As a rule, the patient drinks medicines for three to four weeks, such as:

Then the doctor prescribes antibiotics to him for another group: