The Prophet Isaiah - Life, Miracles and Predictions

In different world religions there are people who predicted the events of the future. The gift was opened to them by the Lord so that they would apply it for the good of mankind. One of the most famous is the prophet Isaiah, who wrote a book with his prophecies.

Who is the prophet Isaiah?

One of the greatest biblical prophets, predicted in the Hebrew language - Isaiah. He is more known for his prophecies concerning the Messiah. Honor him in Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Finding out who Isaiah is, it is important to note the fact, he is one of the four great Old Testament prophets. The Church reveres the prophet on May 22. Many miracles are known, when the prophet Isaiah helped many people and even the king to be healed by his prayers.

When did the prophet Isaiah live?

The Holy Fathers, using the soothsayer, used different epithets, such as the great, the wondrous, the wisest, and even the divine. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah lived in Israel in the VIII century before the birth of Christ . According to the existing information, he was born in 780 and was a member of the kings of the Jews. Thanks to his family, he had the opportunity to get education and throughout his life to influence the affairs of the state. The Holy Prophet Isaiah at the age of 20 received his prophetic abilities by the grace of the Lord.

The Life of the Prophet Isaiah

The prophet began his ministry, after he saw God sitting in a magnificent temple on the throne. Around him were Seraphim, who had six wings. One of them went down to Isaiah and brought with him a hot coal taken from the altar of the Lord. He touched the lips of the prophet and said that he would talk about the power of the Most High and teach people to lead a righteous life.

The life of the prophet Isaiah changed when Hezekiah became king, because he was a close friend and adviser to him. He created a prophetic school, which served the spiritual and moral education of the people. Isaiah repeatedly proved the power of his prayer. A prophet is known for his miracles (he saved the king from a deadly illness), which forced people to believe in the Lord. He suffered torments when the ruler was replaced.

How did the prophet Isaiah die?

The legend of the martyrdom of the famous prophet was described by Christian writers of the first centuries. It does not have any value for history, but it gives a chance to better understand such a person as Isaiah. The akathist describes how in the days of Manasseh the servants of the king were seized by him and forced to renounce the predictions made. The death of the prophet Isaiah was due to the fact that he did not abandon his words and then he was tortured and sawed in two with a saw of wood. At the same time he did not shout, but talked with the Holy Spirit .

The Prayer of the Prophet Isaiah

The soothsayer is a kind of messenger between believers and God. It is believed that you can address it with different requests, most importantly, that they have good intentions. The biblical prophet Isaiah will help to establish personal life, get rid of financial problems and be healed of various diseases. The main thing is that the desire should be sincere and go from the heart. First, you need to read the prayer, and then say your petition.

Prophet Isaiah - prophecy

After himself, the prophet left a book where he denounced the Jews for their unfaithfulness to God, predicted the wandering of the Jews and the restoration of Jerusalem, and also prophesied the fate of other nations. In this work you can find the facts of many events. Clergymen assure that the interpretation of Isaiah with a correct and informed reading helps to understand the meaning of life and various important concepts.

The book of the prophet is considered one of the most famous and significant masterpieces of Christianity. It includes certain saints' speeches, which are systematized. It is considered the main value of people who seek spiritual perfection. The most important prophecy was made by the prophet Isaiah about the Messiah. He predicted the coming of Christ, and everything was described in great detail. The soothsayer foretold the birth of Jesus and his suffering for the sins of mankind. He did other prophecies, here are some of them:

  1. Described a vision of the New Jerusalem, which symbolizes the Kingdom of God.
  2. He condemned the Jews for their lawlessness and predicted that some of them would be rejected by the Lord and instead of them came the pagan peoples of Egypt and Assyria who had believed.
  3. The prophet Isaiah spoke of Syria, and he predicted that the third world war would begin there. He wrote that only ruins remain from Damascus.