Laminaria - useful properties

Laminaria, sea ​​cabbage or sea ginseng "conquered", or rather filled the Soviet counters in the 70 years - cheap cans with "salad of seaweed" to taste like only units, but since in the North and Black seas this "good" "Was immeasurable, people" from above "ordered to eat.

In principle, it was one of the few cases when the Party's policy and the really useful properties of the products were combined very well.

Laminaria is an alga that lives 1-2 years. There are about 30 types of kelp, but in the food industry, most commonly, 3 - laminaria is sugary, Japanese and palchato-dissected.

The beneficial properties of kelp were well known in the Middle Kingdom. Women, noble and poor, immediately after delivery presented a fresh sheet of kelp, which she had to eat. After that, she was allowed to feed the baby, because thanks to kelp, mother's milk had to be filled with all the necessary nutrients.

But this is far from the only argument in favor of kelp.

Useful properties of kelp

Let's start with the composition and with vitamins kelp:

The first thing that is famous for kelp is iodine. Of course, it is for the replenishment of iodine deficiency and it is recommended to consume this food as often as possible, in fact, the characteristic iodine smell of the sea is the handiwork of laminaria, and the more of them in this sea, the more useful the sea water and air on the coast.

Due to the high content of iodides, laminaria is taken with endemic goiter, with menstrual cycle disorders, and also for the normalization of metabolism, because iodine regulates the body's ability to absorb and absorb iron, potassium, sodium and much more.

Laminaria is a high-carbohydrate product. But this does not make it harmful to the figure. Due to polysaccharides in the composition, laminaria helps with chronic constipation, thereby speeding up digestion and helping to avoid fat deposition at the waist, bloating, flatulence, pain. Losing weight with laminaria is based just on the laxative effect, but about this a little later.

Useful properties of laminaria help with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Sea cabbage is able to remove radiation from the body, reducing the harmfulness of professions associated with working with radionuclides. In such cases, it is recommended to perform daily inhalations with dry kelp powder.

Sea kale is useful and has long been used in the east as a diuretic, as well as medicines for diseases of the genitourinary system of men. It also helps to clean the vessels, remove excess cholesterol, and serves as a good prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases, including, and atherosclerosis.

Seaweed slimming seaweed

Of course, such a useful product could not help finding oneself in the field of weight loss. Laminaria is very low-calorie - 16 kcal per 100 g of weight, but it can satiate, or rather, create a feeling of satiety.

Swelling in the intestine of kelp , like any fiber-containing product, affects the GIT receptors, which, when filling the volume, signal the brain to turn off the feeling of hunger.

Thus, you can only saturate 100 grams of kelp.

For mono-diet on kelp need to take 3 tablespoons. dry kelp and pour overnight with boiling water. In the morning add a little sea salt to the water and boil for 5 minutes.

This boiled cabbage is the main dish, to which you can add white boiled meat, hard-boiled eggs. So you can lose weight for a whole week without starving at all.

However, in addition to useful properties, there is kelp and contraindications: