Potato casserole in the oven

As the main product of the casserole is especially popular potato, such dishes are very nutritious. This is a good option for breakfast, lunch, or a second lunch dish.

Tell you how you can cook simple potato casseroles in the oven delicious and beautiful.

Potato casserole with mushrooms in the oven - recipe

For this potato dish choose an oblong medium-sized and not too boiled.



Peeled potatoes cut into round slices, onions - quarter rings, and mushrooms - slices of medium size. Potatoes are cooked until half-ready and carefully extracted with a noisy. Onion and mushrooms lightly fry in a frying pan and pat.

We prepare the filling: mix cream, eggs and flour, add spices and garlic (can be filtered or wiped through a strainer).

Lubricate the slightly heated form with oil, gently lay the layer of potatoes, and on top - onion-mushroom mixture. Repeat the layers, evenly spilling each creamy sauce. Put the form in the heated oven for half an hour. Sprinkle the finished casserole with grated cheese and chopped greens. Before cutting the casserole for portions, wait for 5 minutes, let the cheese melt.

Casserole from mashed potatoes with chicken in the oven



Boil the peeled potatoes until ready, drain the broth, mnm thrash and pour a little cream or milk. Slightly pickle and carefully mix with a fork. We got a gentle mashed potatoes.

From chicken meat, we make minced meat (not too shallow). Add the mashed potatoes, eggs, sifted flour and chopped greens. Fill this mixture with a lubricated oil refractory. We place in a heated oven for 35 minutes, bake. We serve with sauce, for example, cream-garlic-mustard or with a sharp tomato.

You can go to the preparation of potato casserole in the oven and more creatively.

An anti-recipe recipe for potato casserole with mushrooms and chicken



Chicken meat, washed mushrooms and peeled potatoes are cut into small pieces. Within 20 minutes, the meat is cooked in a minimum amount of water with a whole bulb and spices. We add potatoes and mushrooms, boil for another 15 minutes (you can add water). We extract from the broth pieces of potatoes, meat and mushrooms and cast them on colander. Broth filter.

Ready meat, potatoes and mushrooms are crushed with the help of a meat grinder or combine. We add eggs, curry and chopped greens (the density is regulated by the addition of flour or starch). Lubricate the form with oil, fill it with the prepared mixture. We cook the casserole in the oven for 25 minutes.

We serve with a hot broth in which everything was cooked. In each cup we put a few crackers, sprinkle chopped green onions and grated cheese, season with garlic. It turned out to be a full-hearted rich meal for the family.