Low heart rate - reasons

A reduced heart rate is called a bradycardia. The disease is diagnosed when the heart rate decreases. Sometimes a bradycardia can be a sign of serious health problems. Therefore, it is impossible to neglect this violation in any case.

Causes of low heart rate in humans

The heart rhythm of each person is unique. Someone feels great at a pulse of 90-100 beats per minute. And for someone, the norm is 60 strokes and with a fast heartbeat the state of health deteriorates sharply. Everything depends on lifestyle and general health. So, for example, athletes whose body is accustomed to constant high loads, 60 heart beats per minute is enough to ensure that the blood is provided to all organs in a normal amount. But even for them, reducing the pulse to fifty or less is a dangerous and demanding phenomenon.

The reasons for the low heart rate can be quite a lot:

  1. Most often, a bradycardia occurs against a background of cardiac pathologies. Ischemia, myocarditis, cardiosclerosis, atherosclerosis - all these diseases can contribute to a slowing of the heartbeat.
  2. Slow down the pulse can be due to infections and intoxications.
  3. Problems with the nervous system often become the reasons for setting the pulse at a level below the norm.
  4. Sometimes bradycardia is a consequence of taking medications.
  5. Palpitation can be slowed down if there is insufficient production of thyroid hormones.
  6. Fasting (including oxygen), too rigid diets and a wrong way of life are common reasons for lowering the pulse rate. The body must constantly be fed with oxygen. Ideally - a few hours a day you need to spend in the fresh air. If this is not possible, you should at least regularly ventilate the premises where you are.
  7. Very often, the pulse falls when the intracranial pressure rises.

In addition, the causes of low heart rate and pressure can be stressful situations, pronounced pain syndromes, bruises and strokes (especially in the sternum). There are also cases when the bradycardia begins because of swimming in icy water.

Treatment of low heart rate

To treat low pulse was effective, you need to know the causes that caused the bradycardia. Usually the basis of treatment become special drugs-simpatomimetiki. In particularly difficult cases, surgical intervention and pacemaking are required.

If the bradycardia worries you extremely rarely, you can cope with attacks by simple folk remedies: