How to reduce intracranial pressure?

Increased intracranial pressure can significantly reduce a person's quality of life - headaches, meteosensitivity, nausea and dizziness are the lightest symptoms that occur when there is an overabundance of fluid inside the skull, which puts pressure on the cerebral membrane. However, in addition to mild symptoms, increased intracranial pressure can cause a lot of trouble - lead to loss of consciousness, numbness of the limbs, decreased vision, loss of orientation in space and other severe conditions.

The main problem of intracranial hypertension is that it is difficult for a person to diagnose it - it is necessary to take a puncture of cerebrospinal fluid, or, in extreme cases, to carry out an MRI of the skull. Therefore, often physicians diagnose for obvious symptoms and the presence of concomitant diseases. Cerebral crises, meningitis, encephalitis, strokes (ischemic and hemorrhagic) may be accompanied by intracranial hypertension.

It is believed that people with high blood pressure and overweight are more prone to this pathology than others.

Therefore, before you begin treatment, you need to carefully analyze the symptoms, so as not to confuse hypertension with a heavier disease.

How to reduce intracranial pressure with tablets?

First of all, to eliminate symptoms, drugs that reduce intracranial pressure are needed. Today they are represented by several groups, some of whose representatives are well combined in treatment - complex therapy is indicated in case of severe symptoms. If the symptoms are not expressed, then it is sufficient to choose one of the medicines.


Drugs that reduce intracranial pressure are primarily represented by a group of diuretics. Some physicians believe that this is an ineffective way of eliminating intracranial hypertension due to the fact that the cerebrospinal fluid is involved in the pathology, and diuretics have little effect on its outflow.

Therefore, there is no unequivocal opinion on this issue, but many people perceive this as the only true way to reduce intracranial pressure for many years. It is recommended to take Diacarb, Furosemide (once, this is a strong diuretic ). With severe hypertension, intravenous use is indicated.

Plasma Substrate Solutions

Albumin (20%) helps to reduce the pressure between the plasma and the brain tissue. The drug improves microcirculation and is indicated for risks of cerebral edema.

Vasoactive drugs

Magnesium sulphate helps to expand peripheral vessels, has a diuretic effect and improves microcirculation. Ventonik Glivenol improves venous outflow to reduce the likelihood of cerebral edema.


Prednisolone or Dexamethasone is administered in extreme cases with risk of cerebral edema.

How quickly to reduce intracranial pressure?

Quickly reduce the intracranial pressure will help diuretic. If after the application of the condition worsened, then in this case it is necessary to seek help from a specialist - at home, it is not necessary to prescribe serious medications because there is a high risk of mistaken prescribing. At home, you can take homeopathic drug Lymphomyosot, which eliminates stagnant processes.

How to reduce intracranial pressure with folk remedies?

Before you reduce intracranial pressure at home, make sure that the patient's condition allows you to spend some time on herbal treatment.


The infusion of lavender will help maintain the intracranial pressure in a normal state. It should take 1 tablespoon. 2 times a day. This tool can be replaced with ethereal lavender oil - apply it point-wise on the temples (do not overdo it - the essential oil is highly concentrated and has a pronounced smell) to inhale its vapors.

Products |

Products that reduce intracranial pressure, you can find in any store - in the first place it's lemon and garlic. Also shown is an increase in the diet of products rich in potassium, which includes dried apricots and potatoes.