Bladder for inhalation

One of the best means for coughing is Lazolvan solution for inhalation. It can be safely used even for the treatment of children and the elderly! For carrying out inhalations any modern device, except those whose action is based on steam generation, is suitable.

How can I use Lazolvan for inhalations?

The main active component of Lazolvan is ambroxol hydrochloride. This substance has a complex effect:

There are several forms of medication - in tablets, in the form of syrup and solution. The latter can be bred in tea or juice, taken orally, or used for inhalation. To date, doctors call this method of application the most effective. Let's discuss the rules of inhalation in more detail:

  1. Before you do inhalation with Lazolvan, make sure that you are not hungry and do not want to drink. The nearest meal after the procedure can be performed not earlier than in 40-60 minutes.
  2. Make sure that you do not have restrictions on sodium intake - the drug contains a fairly high dose of this microelement. If you are allergic, test for sensitivity to ambroxol. In case you have had cases of bronchospasm, take the first inhalation under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. A solution for inhalation with Lazolvanom is diluted in a one-to-one ratio with saline solution. It can be distilled water, sodium hydrochloride, or another neutral liquid that is not of alkaline nature.
  4. It is recommended to heat the medicine to body temperature, but not higher.
  5. During inhalations, breathe in a measured, not too deep way, to avoid excessive accumulation of fluid in the bronchi.
  6. Do not use Lazolvan together with drugs that depress cough. If you are prescribed antibiotics, you can slightly reduce the dosage - Lazolvan enhances the effect of such drugs.
  7. The remedy is not recommended for the treatment of patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
  8. Having learned how much Lazolvan costs for inhalations, many patients refuse to purchase it. Meanwhile, one bottle of the drug is enough to treat 3-4 people. The drug is perfectly stored.

Dosage of mucus for inhalation

Dosage at inhalation Lazolvanom through nibulajzer does not differ from quantity of a preparation at spraying by a spray. For adults, the maximum daily dose is 8 ml of medication, for children - 4. For the convenience of dosing, it is considered that 1 mg of the drug corresponds to 25 drops.

The usual course of treatment for an adult patient involves daily 2 inhalations using 2 ml of medication during each. If after 4-5 days, you do not feel better, you should consult a doctor - it is very likely, that there were complications and it is necessary to supplement the treatment with other medications.

Children are also given inhalations in the morning and in the evening, but for children under 6 years of age, the dosage should be reduced by half. Very effective in dry cough in children with inhalation with Berodual and Lazolvan. With this treatment it is important to follow the order. First, inhalation is carried out with 8 drops of Berodual, diluted in 2 ml of saline, and after 15 minutes the procedure is repeated using Lazolvana. This drug in the amount of 2 ml should be diluted with saline in a proportion of one to one. Usually doctors prescribe this, complex, inhalation in the morning. In the evening, it is enough to use one Lazolvan.