Diet with bloating

Increased gassing in the intestine can be caused by different reasons. This condition is accompanied by nausea, discomfort in the abdominal cavity, weight, constipation. Proper nutrition and diet with bloating can save these problems and improve the proper functioning of the intestines.

Diet with bloating

From the diet with increased gas production should be removed products that can cause bloating. But at the same time they should be replaced with similar dishes for food value, so that the menu was balanced and full. It is forbidden to eat legumes, grapes and pears, cabbage, radishes, fatty meat and fish, smoked sausage, baked and fresh pastries, soda, millet cereal, whole milk and products from it. During the diet, when swelling, the following products are shown: boiled lean meat, lean unsalted fish, beetroot, pumpkin, carrots, warm drinks, sour-milk products, stale bread, dried fruits, soups, buckwheat and rice porridge, fresh greens.

It should be remembered that overeating with a diet is in no way unacceptable. There is a need often, but little by little, that the intestines have time to process food. To ensure that the gases do not form to be fed strictly on the clock - then the GIT will have time to prepare for work and there will not be problems with digestion.

Many people think that increased water production provokes water. But this is completely wrong. When swelling, on the contrary, you need to drink a day at least 1.5 liters of water - it is able to neutralize gas bubbles.

Features of the diet with bloating and constipation

If the bloating is accompanied by constipation, then the diet menu should include products that stimulate the bowel and at the same time contain soft fiber . This is, first of all, dried fruits, as well as fresh vegetable food. In addition, beet and carrot juices, vegetable oil are extremely useful in this case.