Discharge day on watermelon - rules and results

Look very beautiful, slim and attract the attention of the opposite sex women dream of different ages. For this they often sit on all sorts of diets or arrange a special rest for the body - unloading. We propose to find out what results the watermelon unloading day gives.

Unloading on watermelon is good and bad

Every diet and even fasting days have their own advantages and disadvantages. Watermelon unloading day is no exception. Nutritionists do not recommend it:

  1. To everyone who has problems with the kidneys. Otherwise, there may be exacerbations of the disease.
  2. Suffering diabetes mellitus. Such unloading will do more harm than good for the person.
  3. With cholelithiasis .
  4. Those who tolerate monodity badly, as they will have to eat only watermelon for a day.

However, there is a benefit to such unloading:

  1. Excretion of toxins from the body.
  2. Purification of the gastrointestinal tract with the fiber contained in the pulp of watermelon.
  3. The content in the watermelon of vitamins A , B, C, iron, potassium and magnesium.

Unloading days on watermelon for weight loss

Many nutritionists say that unloading on watermelon is one of the most effective for everyone who wants to lose weight. Very tasty and useful berry contains folic acid, which helps to accelerate metabolic processes in the body, which helps to find a beautiful slender figure. However, if there is a desire to lose weight, it is important to consider that in addition to watermelon, more during the day, you can not eat anything and do not drink it better.

For unloading on a delicious berry, you need 1.5 kilograms of pulp of watermelon. They need to be divided into 5 or 6 parts and consumed throughout the day. At the same time, you do not need to wait that immediately after such a day the weight will go away. This process is lasting, but effective. It is recommended to carry out such unloading in autumn, when the watermelon is guaranteed not only tasty, but also useful.

Unloading day on watermelon and melon

Make the process of losing weight really delicious will help watermelon-melon fasting day. After him, there is bound to be an unprecedented feeling of lightness. Anyone who wants to unload in this way, you should not combine two delicious berries. Every two hours you need to eat melon or watermelon. Watermelon is allowed to eat unsweetened yoghurt. You can drink only mineral water.

Unloading day on kefir and watermelon

The kefir-watermelon unloading day is also called effective. The day before you need to buy a watermelon and divide it into equal parts among themselves. The first of them can be used already during breakfast. After three hours you need to drink a glass of bifidokephire. For lunch, you need to eat the second part of a delicious ripe berry. In the afternoon you need to drink a glass of yogurt. Nutritionists recommend everyone who has stones, or sand in the kidney dinner with a watermelon to spend in a warm bath. Thanks to this procedure it will be possible to remove excess substances from the body. Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of kefir.

Unloading day on watermelon and cottage cheese

If the unloading day on watermelon is diversified by other equally useful food products, the process of losing weight will become much easier. One of the effective options for unloading is the use of watermelon and cottage cheese. It is important to know how much watermelon is at the discharge day. Nutritionists recommend to use during the day 1 kg of delicious berries. In this menu should include low-fat cottage cheese - 400 grams per day. You are allowed to drink water and unsweetened drinks. Watermelon can be consumed separately from cottage cheese or with it. Is recommended in small portions when there is a feeling of hunger .

Unloading day on buckwheat and watermelon

Sometimes mono unloading on a tasty useful berry is not very well tolerated. In such cases, the watermelon menu of the menu is to be diversified with additional useful products. One of the most effective is the combination of watermelon and buckwheat. Favorite porridge should be unsalted and it is better to use non-grilled cereals when preparing. In total throughout the day, you need to consume 200-300 grams of porridge. Watermelon is allowed to eat 0.5-1 kg. On this day you need to drink up to 2 liters of water. Such a day off on watermelon with regular repetition is considered effective.