Unloading day on oatmeal

Oatmeal - sir! Such a familiar phrase, from which I want to frown. Are there many who want to taste it? In fact, if you do not like oatmeal, you simply do not know how to cook it. But this is a very useful breakfast! It contains a lot of trace elements that will improve your complexion and increase your immunity. Oatmeal refers to complex carbohydrates, which are digested for a long time and supply the body with energy for several hours. This is a great virtue if you watch the figure! And when there is no excess fat on the sides and you do not experience hunger, then the mood is excellent.

Dishes based on oatmeal are rich in vitamin B group, and this is a healthy nervous system, a calm sleep. In addition, such nutrition will positively affect the growth of hair and skin condition. Finally, oatmeal can be eaten not only in the form of a healthy breakfast.

Unloading day on oatmeal

Yesterday was the birthday of a friend? Or a corporate party? Libra on such days is better to avoid. Do not despair, you can quickly put yourself in order. After overeating, the fasting day will be the fastest option to get back into shape and climb into any jeans.

But how can I transfer it? To starve the whole day is incredibly difficult, especially after the stomach has got used to entering large volumes of food. If you do not consume anything other than water or juices during the day, then, in the end, you will simply begin to suffer abdominal pain, and the hope to lose weight on fasting days will quickly evaporate, and you will break. Torture yourself is not worth it! Try an effective and softer option: unloading oat day. Its advantage is that you will not suffer from hunger, and thus the body will be cleared a little, and as a result you will lose excess weight.


In principle, oatmeal porridge is useful to everyone, even diabetics. However, do not get carried away by it, if you are slopes to constipation. Unloading days for nursing mothers are also useful, but within reasonable limits or better to do without them, but just to monitor their diet and exclude harmful and fatty foods.


For an unloading day on porridges porridge must be cooked on water, however you can add sliced ​​apples, raisins and other fruits in small quantities. Sugar, salt and oil will have to be put away, they do not rely on fasting days. It is desirable to achieve not too dense consistency, the best effect of cleansing will give a porridge slightly similar to jelly. During the meal, try not to drink it with water. All liquids are best to drink for about 30 minutes after eating. As a result, you can easily get rid of 1-2 kilograms without much effort.