Aising for gingerbread

Gingerbread is often found in family tea parties. And although their usual appearance and does not cause much enthusiasm, by taste characteristics they are loved by absolutely everything. We suggest that you fix this situation and prepare with us an aysing. Decorating your favorite gingerbread, such a wonderful aysing, will give them a fabulous, elegant, and most importantly appetizing look, which children will especially like.

The recipe for gingerbread



In a comfortable deep bowl, whisk the squirrels with a traditional hand-made whisk until the foam appears. Gradually add the ready-made powdered sugar, vanilla and rhythmically, without interrupting everything is mixed with a whisk, but do not whisk, as the air mass to us here to anything. When the mass is already completely homogeneous, but not yet strong enough to pour citric acid and continue to further diligently interfere with the aysing until it becomes denser and does not stop flowing.

If you want to work with the glaze of different colors, then, before adding the lemon juice, we divide the protein mass into two parts. Therefore, we divide the acid and distribute it in two bowls with the addition of dyes in them and also bring the mass to the desired state with a whisk.

We told you how to make protein aysing, which you can make or decorate for your gingerbread. But if you need an aysing to fill the surface of the gingerbread, then we do not change the technique of preparing our recipe, but simply reduce the amount of powdered sugar by 70 grams to get a more liquid glaze.

Painting gingerbread cookies by aysing

From the parchment we twist a small size of the kulechek into which we impose an aysing. A lot of glaze impose is not recommended, because you will be uncomfortable to work. Slightly cut off the spout of the bag (if you make a big hole, the aysing will lie vaguely and awkwardly look). On a cold, fresh gingerbread cautiously along its edge, we apply glaze and circle thus the entire contour. In the center you can decorate your carrot using an aysing of a different color, and if you do not want, do it all in one tone.

Let's start drawing on the product, making a flower, applying the glaze from the package, as if drawing with a pencil.

Then we take a brush and shade the edges of the petals, then we will have a carrot that looks like a picture. Dry the painting should be no less than 12 hours.

Filling gingerbread with aising

If you already know how to paint a carrot, then covering it with an aysing will not make you any trouble. Never work with hot or warm gingerbread, since your glaze will just begin to melt and drain!

So, we circle the gingerbread on its contour, as we did before and let it lie for 2-3 hours, so that the rim seizes.

Then we take a more liquid aysing, which is specially designed for pouring and we cover the whole top of the carrot. To dry the aysing, leave the gingerbread cookies for the night on the table.