Chronic cholecystitis - treatment

Most inflammation of the gallbladder wall occurs in women, especially after the age of 40 years. It is important to approach the treatment of this disease in a complex way and constantly monitor chronic cholecystitis - treatment, first of all, depends on the patient's compliance with a special diet, as well as the timely and regular intake of medications. Otherwise, the pathology will progress and the only way to cope with it will be surgical intervention.

Treatment of chronic cholecystitis without concrements with drugs and diet

Therapy of inflammatory processes in the walls of the gallbladder, provided there are no stones in it, is based on 3 principles:

  1. Normalization of the formation and secretion of bile, control of its production within the optimal values.
  2. Removal of inflammation.
  3. Prevention of the occurrence of solid stones in the gallbladder.

The most important role in the treatment of chronic cholecystitis at home is a diet.

Nutrition of the patient should be organized so that food intake is made often, 4-5 times a day, but in small portions. You need to exclude the following products:

Recommended food:

Treatment of chronic cholecystitis at the stage of exacerbation with the help of proper nutrition presupposes maximum limitation of the amount of consumed foods in the first 2-3 days of the disease. Tea is allowed, mineral still water or a sweet compote with several breadcrumbs. In the future, it is necessary to observe a sparing diet № 5а with a gradual transition to the table number 5 (according to Pevzner).

Traditional medicamentous treatment of chronic cholecystitis includes such drugs:

  1. Antibiotics - in the bacterial nature of inflammation (Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin ).
  2. Spasmolytics - with severe pain (Duspatalin, Dicetel, Odeston).
  3. Antidepressants - to enhance the effect of antispasmodics (Mianserin, Amitriptyline).
  4. Prokinetics - with hypomotor dyskinesia (Motionium, Cerucal, Motilium).
  5. Choleretics - to stimulate the formation of bile (Allochol, Deholin, Chagolol, Silimar).
  6. Cholekinetics - to enhance the excretion of bile (Holagum, Rovahol, Olimetin).

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also prescribed:

As supporting measures, it is recommended to take various phytospores, mineral waters.

Treatment of chronic calculous cholecystitis

If the disease is at the stage of the formation of solid stones, or their size increases, the amount, then, as a rule, an operation is prescribed. Surgical intervention, cholecystectomy, involves the removal of the gallbladder as a source of stone formation and the development of inflammatory processes. It is produced in 3 ways:

In rare cases, it is possible to treat chronic calculous cholecystitis without surgery. It is implemented in several ways: