How to excite a husband?

At the very beginning of family life, the question of how quickly to excite a husband hardly comes to mind, the freshness of the relationship makes any tricks unnecessary. But gradually the feeling of novelty disappears, which negatively affects the intimate life of the spouses, and sex becomes quite a rare phenomenon.

How to raise a husband in bed?

  1. The most sensitive areas on the male body are, of course, the genitals, but they should not be limited to their caresses. You can start warming up from the head and face, gradually shifting your attention to the delicate areas of the neck, the area on the back between the shoulder blades, descending along the spine to the buttocks. Do not forget about the line going in the middle of the abdomen from the navel to the pubis, and the inside of the thighs.
  2. It is important not only what parts of the body you choose for affection, but also how you will do it. In your arsenal there are not only hands, use your lips, tongue, hair and bare chest.
  3. Often, women think how to quickly get a husband excited, but it is not always necessary. Try to delay the moment of the onset of decisive actions, bringing your man's desire to the maximum.
  4. About the fact that a man needs a variety, like the air, everyone knows. But for some reason, not everyone is in a hurry to offer something new on their own. Even if all imaginable poses are tried, you can always go outside the bed, try on a new image for one evening, visit together an intimate shop, etc.
  5. Often after the marriage, the girls stop watching the appearance so intently, forgetting that for a man's excitement, a beautiful picture is very important. So if you have not worn sexy outfits for a long time, then it's time to remind your husband about how hot his wife can be.

How to mentally excite her husband in SMS?

Ways to ignite the desire in his partner, being near him special questions do not cause, but how to raise a husband on the phone or SMS? This task will be more difficult, since the main weapon - touch, will be inaccessible. So you have to learn to own a voice and a word to become desirable for a man from a distance.

It's hardest to pick the right words, so if this is your first experience, it's best to start with sms. So you will have time to think over your phrases without risking creating an awkward silence in the handset. Since the volume of the message is limited, try to do without unnecessary preludes, immediately turning to your desires. Try to use expressions, in a positive reaction to which you are sure. Specific examples of giving is meaningless, since one man will be delighted with tender and affectionate words, and others need expressions more rigid to catch fire.

Another way to excite a man, being away from him at a distance, is to call and with the help of his voice create the necessary mood. For everything to go well, you need to work with the voice in advance. High tones are perceived by the male ear as hysterical, so if your exactly the same, practice talking a little lower, so that the voice acquired sexual notes. First, say a few phrases in this voice, write to the recorder and listen to make sure the correct tone of your voice. When everything will turn out, take it safely phone and dial the number of your lover. You can say anything in this tone, almost anything stupid will sound like a hint of a pleasant pastime. In a telephone conversation, you will have more time, so you can start a conversation with a neutral phrase, smoothly getting to the sweet essence of your call.

The main thing that you need to learn in the difficult matter of seducing your own husband is choosing the right moment. Agree, it is completely useless to drag a tired and hungry man into bed, as well as sms of frivolous content, arrived at the height of hard work, will not produce the proper impact.