Is it possible for children to have persimmon?

Persimmon ("date plum", "wild date"), appearing in autumn and winter on the shelves of our country, perhaps one of the few fruits available to us at this time, really rich in vitamins and other useful substances.

Useful properties of persimmons

In the ripe fruit of persimmon contains:

With all this, persimmon's wealth has a low glycemic index and low caloric value (only about 62 kcal per 100 g).

What is the use of persimmon for children?

Persimmon has useful properties for both adults and children. This extremely rich in nutrients, thanks to the high content of vitamin C, helps in the treatment of cold and viral diseases, increasing the resistance of the body. Persimmon helps maintain the health of the eyes, bones and teeth. It is very useful for a growing organism, since it contains a large amount of substances, which activates the synthesis of cells, and hence also tissue growth.

When a child can be given persimmon?

Up to 2-3 years is not recommended to acquaint the child with persimmon: because of the large content of tannins, it can lead to intestinal obstruction. Begin with a small piece, and choose to start non-binding varieties (for example, a chocolate kingpin). Make sure that the fruit was well ripened (unripe persimmon can lead to poisoning).

Many children do not like persimmons because of its astringent properties and "slimy" flesh. If your child categorically does not like persimmons, do not insist and do not bother. And if you really want to enrich his diet, try to offer dried fruits - in dried form persimmon is not at all knits and stores most of the nutrients. Just keep in mind that there is practically no vitamin C in the dried persimmon.

Contraindications to the use of persimmons

When deciding whether your children can have persimmons, remember about its contraindications: it is diabetes, obesity and propensity to constipation, as well as allergic reactions. The child's allergy to persimmons is not a rare occurrence. It manifests itself, as a rule, in the form of skin rashes, but in rare cases can cause severe reactions, for example, angioedema.

Another important point for the safe use of persimmons - take into account its compatibility with other products. Dangerous combinations - with milk and cold water.