How to wean a child by hand?

To take or not to take is the question. Every second mother, whose child asks for handles, faces him daily. And it's good if it's a little girl, who by the status is supposed to ride on his hands, because he can not move independently and his mother needs him warmly. Another question, if the same request sounds from a four-year-old hog, the weight of which can not be sustained by every mother. How, then, to wean the kid out of your hands? We will try to answer this question today.

The child asks for his hands - what's the reason?

Looking from the side of how a child 3-4 years old asks to be in his arms, passers-by will always think that the kid is too spoiled. Is it really? Pediatricians, doctors and other professionals who are confidently versed in sores and temperature, in fact, absolutely do not understand anything in child psychology. They do not know about the existence of such a thing as an emotional connection with the mother, physical contact and harmonious development through touching the mother. What the child wants in his hands, there are several reasons. And they need to be sorted out as follows:

  1. As soon as the baby has time to be born, many mothers immediately think about how to wean the newborn. And the fact that their child, by virtue of his age, can not yet move independently and cognize the world, for some reason, few people are interested. Looking only at the ceiling and the sides, the child does not develop his intellect. Much more interesting is sitting on my mother looking at the walls, cabinets and other items. Therefore, every time a child asks for six months in his arms, it is worth remembering that for him this is the only way to develop and study the world.
  2. Another important point, for those who are tormented by the question of how to wean the baby at hand, is the comfort of the child from contact with his mother. Naturally, when the baby is in a good mood, you need to play with him, teach him to crawl and do exercises with him. But if he asks for his hands - do not refuse. Remember that the need for bodily contact with the mother for the baby is, first of all, a guarantee of protection and tranquility, which are as important as the need for food.
  3. Before you refuse the child in riding on the handles, make sure that it does not bother him. And if you tend to leave the baby crying in the crib until he falls asleep in complete impotence, at least check whether he has serious reasons for crying.
  4. Up to four years, many parents face a problem when the child is constantly falling asleep on his hands. It is here again about psychological comfort and a sense of protection before going to bed. In order to wean the kid from this lesson, try to think of a procedure in which the baby will lie on his own in the crib, and you can sing to him a lullaby or approach him in a few minutes to calm and show that you are there, love him and do not want to leave him.

Knowing the reasons why the kids ask for the highest level, many will probably give up the idea to wean their child out of their hands. But it is worth remembering that children are getting older and very soon skills of literate rejection will still be needed.

How to wean at the hands of a child older than a year and a half?

Before you decide to move to global action, remember that the reasons why you do not want to carry the baby in your arms should be strictly argued. This does not include fatigue or "because it is so convenient to do their own things." Prioritize and decide what is more important to you. When you are ready, listen to the following tips:

Whichever way you choose, remember that he should not hurt the child's psyche. Distract the child from riding on the handles gradually and very carefully. And most importantly - always pay attention to your baby and his problem. Sometimes instead of hands, it is only your presence that is sufficient.