Hygiene of boys

Moms take care of their beloved child with pleasure: they bathe, feed, and dress him. But in the care of his son for mother sometimes questions arise due to some nuances. Observance of personal hygiene of boys in childhood is a guarantee of his masculine health in the future. Therefore it is important to take care of the reproductive organs of crumbs from birth.

Hygiene of boys under one year

Most mothers think that it is much easier to care for the genitals of boys than for the sexual organs of girls. In fact, this is not so. The vast majority of future men (about 96%) are born with an extreme flesh - the skin fold, which completely covers the head of the penis. In addition, the foreskin in infants is narrowed, and it is completely impossible to expose the head. This is quite normal phenomenon - physiological phimosis. By the age of six months, 20% of boys will have a head opening, but more often it takes 3 years.

Inside the skin fold there are special glands, which produce a lubricant. If it is not washed, then balanoposthitis, or inflammation of the glans penis, when pathogenic microbes appear under the foreskin. Thus, the hygiene of newborn boys involves washing the head of the penis with a gradual and gentle stretching of the prepuce. It is recommended to do this during the evening bathing in the tub or basin, after the skin fold is softened. Mom needs to gently pull lightly the skin fold down and rinse the head. Due to this, the foreskin will become elastic, and harmful bacteria will not accumulate in it. Such procedures are carried out constantly, and eventually the boy will have to perform them on his own.

Hygiene of the genital organs of boys: possible problems

If you are concerned about the closedness of the head of the penis, consult a pediatric surgeon. Most likely, the doctor will recommend not doing anything before self-opening the head. It will be enough to adhere to the usual sexual hygiene of boys. If this does not happen, surgery is indicated, but not earlier than three years. But in the case when urination is violated, that is, urine accumulates and comes out in a small trickle, and the baby tenses and cries while bathing with a chamomile broth or a solution of potassium permanganate and lubricating the foreskin with vaseline oil will be prescribed. If there is no improvement, the operation is shown.

Also for the intimate hygiene of boys, it is important to wear the right linen. It should be from a "breathing" cotton cloth, matched to the child's age, not pressing or leaving red streaks on the body. Parents should monitor the daily replacement of the closest to the body of clothing.