How to eat mango in raw form?

In order to preserve the maximum of the exotic fruit and nicely serve it to the table, we will take a closer look at how to eat raw mangoes and how to prepare it for serving.

How to clean and eat mangoes?

There are several ways of cleaning mangoes. In the process, you can equip yourself as a special "housekeeper" for cleaning fruits and vegetables, and with your own hands and knife. We will stop on the last option.

Within the most common method of cleaning, pieces of pulp are cut off on both sides of the bone.

The central piece is peeled.

Trim the maximum of the pulp around the bone.

The remaining halves of the pulp are cleaned and cut into cubes or slices.

In the second method, the flesh from both side pieces is cut into squares without cutting the peels.

Next, the skin is turned out so that the pieces become a hedgehog, and the flesh is cut.

Cut the pulp, not cutting it or peel it is possible, just densely passing half along the wall of the glass.

How should you eat mangoes?

If you have never tried to pulp this exotic fruit earlier, then the best way of how you can eat mango is to serve it fresh. The flesh can be cut into cubes, slices, cut out balls from it or give any shape that the soul desires.

If the mango in its pure form you no longer surprise, then serve it in salads. The fruit combines well with its exotic avocado , cucumber, red fish, fried or boiled chicken and seafood.

The mango pulp is good in fresh vegetable salsa , classic Indian chutney and other sauces, which are also good to serve with meat dishes.

The only true way to properly eat mango does not exist, but if you want to eat a dish in which the taste of the exotic fruit will come to the fore, then pay attention to sweet smoothies and natural ice cream.

Smoothies can be cooked by beating the pulp with other fruits, berries and superfoods, and ice cream is easy to prepare by beating up mangoes with frozen juice, vegetable milk or a banana.

With the addition of a frozen banana, the delicacy also acquires a creamy, homogeneous consistency, more characteristic of a classic filling, but it does not contain fats and sucrose.