June 1 - International Children's Day

Favorite time for all schoolchildren - summer - begins with the International Children's Day. This bright and joyful holiday has appeared for a long time and has an interesting history.

International Children's Day - holiday history

At the beginning of the last century, the Chinese consul in San Francisco decided to collect on June 1 the kiddies who lost their parents and arrange a holiday for them. In Chinese traditions, this celebration was called the Dragon Boat Festival. On the same day, a conference was held in Geneva on the problems of the younger generation. Thanks to these two events, the idea arose to create a festival dedicated to children.

In the postwar years, concern for the health and well-being of children around the world was very important. During the war, many of them lost their loved ones and remained orphans. In 1949, at a congress of women in Paris, his representatives called on all people to fight for peace. Only he can ensure the happy life of our children. During this period, the International Children's Day was established, the first time was celebrated on June 1, 1950, and since then it has been held annually.

In 1959, the United Nations proclaimed the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, whose recommendations in the protection of children were adopted by many states of the world. And already in 1989, this organization approved the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which defines the responsibilities of all states to their underage citizens. The document spells out the responsibilities of adults and children's rights.

International Children's Day - facts

For more than half a century, an international children's holiday has acquired its flag. Green background is a symbol of harmony, growth, fertility and freshness. In the center is the image of the Earth - our home. Around this sign are five stylized multi-colored children's figures, holding hands, which denote tolerance and diversity.

Unfortunately, today in the whole world many children need treatment and die without getting it. Many babies go hungry without having their own home. They do not have the opportunity to study at school. And how many children are used as free labor and even sold into slavery! Such glaring facts urge all adults to stand up for the protection of childhood. And you have to think about these issues not once a year, but every day. After all, healthy children are the happy future of our planet.

International Children's Day - events

On International Children's Day, traditional holidays are held in many schools and kindergartens. For children various sports competitions are organized, concerts are arranged, children participate in competitions with gifts and surprises. In many cities there are contests of drawings on asphalt. Most parents arrange family holidays and entertainment for their children on this day.

Throughout the world, in honor of the day of protection of children, charity events are held to raise funds for babies, who do not have parents. After all, these children are completely dependent on us, adults.

Traditional for this holiday were visits to children's institutions by sponsors who provide material assistance to children. Children deserve special attention adults, hospitals and hospices, in which are seriously ill children.

Childhood is the most light-hearted and happy time in life. However, unfortunately, not all adults have such happy memories of their childhood. Therefore, it is so important to make every effort to ensure that our children and grandchildren in the future have only fond memories of their childhood years.