Viola - growing out of seeds

Many amateur growers are engaged in growing violas from seeds. These flowers are popularly called "Pansies". Viola is unpretentious in the care, if you plant it with a strong seedling, grown in advance. Seedlings seedlings grown from seeds will bloom much faster than plants obtained from their sowing in open ground. In order to achieve success in this business, you need to know a few subtleties associated with the cultivation of this beautiful flower.

General information

To better understand what is required for this plant, let's look at the conditions of its growth in a natural environment. This plant is accustomed to a well-fertilized soil, which freely passes water, without holding it at the roots. This flower is very demanding for watering. On hot days it should be watered several times. It is very important not to wet the leaves, because this may cause sunburn. To plant the seeds of viola, we will make the substrate ourselves. To do this, we need one-third of the forest upper soil, one part of the coarse sand with admixture of vermiculite, and a part of the garden soil should be added to this mixture. Components of the resulting substrate should be mixed, loosened and sprinkled on peat cups . Sowing the seeds of the viola is best done precisely in the cups, because so the seedlings will transfer the transplant much better.

Seeding and cultivation of seedlings

The best time for planting a viola with seeds is the end of February - the beginning of March. To do this, from each glass, sprinkle a small handful of soil, directly on top of the substrate lay 2-3 seeds, sprinkle them with water and sprinkle the top with spilled soil. After planting the seeds of the viola, the top layer of the soil is wetted, we put the cups on the window sill and cover with film or glass. Due to the effect of the "sauna", the germination of seeds becomes shorter by 7-8 days. After the emergence of shoots, remove the film from the glass. If the seeds are several, then only one plant should be left. Choose the strongest and tallest specimen, and the rest can just be cut under the spine. Three weeks after the emergence of sprouts, you can make any mineral water-soluble fertilizer under the root of the plant. Every month, fertilization should be repeated. Do not forget that a viola flower grown from seeds will not carry the characteristics of the parent plant, if it was hybrid. If you do everything the way we advise in this material, then you can grow seedlings of seeds from seeds without much hassle. When growing seedlings, you should be careful with watering. Water should be often, but do not flood the plant from above, but pour a little water under the spine. In the middle of May, young plants can be prepared to "move" to the site. If you have listened to advice, and grown flowers in peat tanks, then the transplant will seem easy fun. After all, this requires just digging a hole, the depth of which is five centimeters more than the height of the glass, and pour a handful of sand. it will allow the water to flow unhindered deep into the soil, which will significantly reduce the risk of damage to young seedlings by a "black leg". As you can see, it is important not only to properly plant a viola with seeds, but also to grow it properly. Mineral fertilizers plants should be fed constantly, preferably done in equal intervals of time. In this case, the plant will respond to fertilization faster.

It's so difficult and at the same time very simple to grow "Pansies" on your site. If you combine the planting of seedlings of this flower with sowing in the open ground, the result will be incessant flowering of the viola to deep frosts!