Primula - planting and care in the open ground

All the plants in our flower gardens are beautiful in their own way, but after a long harsh winter, primroses, primroses, which most in the open ground feel even better than in the conditions of the room, are most pleasing to the eye.

Place for planting

To have this miracle in your flower garden, you need very little - just plant a bush or sow the seeds in any, even the most unpretentious nook is best lightly illuminated by the sun. Even poor soils give a very attractive result - the snow is barely coming down, from beneath it appear the tender bright spring flowers of the most incredible colors.

If planting fertilize the plant with humus and a handful of ashes, then they will respond to this by prolonged flowering and resistance to all sorts of diseases.

When to plant primroses?

Planting, growing and care of the primula in the open ground is fairly simple, and the main concern of the grower is the transplantation of the overgrown rosettes. They should be separated after they have blossomed - at the end of May. This time is optimal for all types of work on planting and transplanting beds with primroses.

If the weather is hot and sunny, then it's better to postpone planting bushes, as at this time the root system is very poorly adapted and even the death of plants is possible.

Care of the primrose

The main thing that the plant needs is regular watering. The primrose reacts very responsibly to the moist soil. Do not forget after abundant watering, loosen the ground for better air circulation. In order not to do this all the time, it is possible to cover up the plants with repulsed manure or bark.

Care of the primroses in autumn is the preparation of the plant for winter. It consists in a period of rest, when flowers are almost not watered and for a while they seem to forget about them. Closer to the onset of cold weather, plants are high enough They mow that they do not become cold in winter. If in the region the snow cover is long absent or has a property from time to time to melt, then it is better to cover the planting with natural material - lapnik, bark, straw.

Planting Primrose Seeds in Autumn

In addition to dividing the bushes, the primula successfully multiplies by seeds. They are collected from dried inflorescences and immediately sowed shallow into the ground. Do it in the beginning of autumn - in September-October, because then the inflorescences dry out well. If the collected seeds are stored for the next year, then their germination will be very low, because they are stored poorly and lose their qualities over time.