Lemon tree at home

Lemon tree - not only beautiful, but also very useful inhabitant of your windowsill. Who does not know about the benefits of lemon, especially for the prevention of colds? Lemon tree, which is grown at home, gives small fruits, but vitamins and other nutrients in the fetus does not get smaller. Lemon is a short-grown perennial, which will begin to bear fruit no earlier than 6-7 years.

How to grow a lemon tree?

Growing lemon tree at home can be done in two ways: from the cuttings or from the seed. Cultivation of a lemon tree from a bone is a very tedious business. The main problem is to make the tree bear fruit. Most likely, a lemon tree from a bone will remain an ordinary tree, and you can not break a lemon from it. To prepare a tree for fruit bearing, it must be planted. But to entrust this business is better than a specialist, since it is not easy to plant a lemon tree, it is necessary to do it according to all rules and with knowledge of the subtleties. Otherwise, the plant may die.

To avoid creating unnecessary problems, get a tree from the handle and learn to look after it. It does not matter whether a lemon tree grew from a stone or a plant was propagated by cuttings, care of it should be careful and accurate. Some tips how to grow a lemon tree at home without difficulty: