Shingles - reasons

During periods of weakening immune system functions, vitamin deficiency or severe stresses in the body, various viruses previously latent can be activated. Such infections include shingles - the causes of this disease are similar to those provoking chicken pox. The causative agent of both pathologies is the same strain of herpes.

The causes of the disease, such as herpes zoster

After transferring seemingly innocuous "childhood" illness, the cells of the Herpes zoster virus pass into a "sleeping" mode and hide in the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system, neuroglia, hindbrain of the brain or cranial nerves. They can last for years in a latent state, without causing any manifestations of their presence.

The decrease in the immunological stability of the body causes the activation of herpes cells, especially if the infection has been infected by contact or airborne droplets. The main causes of the appearance of herpes zoster:

The risk of a disease is increased if:

The reasons for preserving the symptoms of herpes zoster

As a rule, recovery occurs even without special therapy for 3-4 weeks. But the pain syndrome may persist for several months and even years. The reason for this is that the herpes virus affects both the skin and nerve trunks beneath them. Until the nerve cells recover completely, the symptoms of the disease will not disappear.