Cefotaxime - indications for use

Bacterial infections can only be cured with an antibiotic, but to be effective, the right drug should be selected. Most likely, if the doctor appoints him, after the examination and according to the results of blood and urine tests.

But even if antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor, you should know in which cases they are used, what contraindications they have, side effects, and what medications they can be combined with.

One of the most popular antibiotics prescribed by doctors is Cefotaxime.

Characteristics of the drug Cefotaxime

Cefotaxime is a semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic that is part of the third generation cephalosporin group, intended only for intramuscular and intravenous administration. This drug has a wide range of effects:

Cefotaxime has a high resistance to most beta-lactamases of gram-negative bacteria.

Such antimicrobial action is achieved due to inhibition of the activity of enzymes of microorganisms and destruction of the cell walls, which leads to their death. This antibiotic is able to penetrate almost all tissues and liquids, even through the blood-brain barrier.

Indications for use of Cefotaxime

Treatment with cefotaxime is advisable to conduct in diseases caused by bacteria sensitive to it, such as:

It can also be used for preventive purposes after surgery, to prevent inflammation and other possible complications.

Contraindications to the use of Cefotaxime are:

During pregnancy and during the period of feeding, it is possible to apply, but only in cases of great need and with the condition of stopping breastfeeding.

Dosage of Cefotaxime

Since Cefotaxime is intended for parenteral use, it is not produced in tablets, but only in powder for injections, a single volume of 0.5 g and 1 g.

Depending on what they will do - an injection or a dropper, Cefotaxime is bred in different doses:

  1. Intravenous - 1 g of powder for 4 ml of water for injection, and then add the solvent to 10 ml, with intramuscular injection - instead of water, 1% of lidocaine is taken. In a day, 2 injections are done, only in case of a serious condition it can be increased to 3-4;
  2. For a dropper, 2 grams of medication per 100 ml of saline or 5% glucose solution. The solution must be dispensed for 1 hour.

For people with renal or hepatic insufficiency, the dose of Cefotaxime should be reduced by half.

Side effects of Cefotaxime: